Open-Book Paper: Radioactive Decay, Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion

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        Open-Book Paper: Radioactive Decay, Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion

Alpha and Beta Decay

        Alpha and beta decay are two types of naturally occurring radioactive decay. In alpha decay, an unstable nucleus emits an alpha particle (α), a particle made up of two protons and two neutrons. For example:

        In beta decay, a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton and a beta particle (β), an electron. Specifically, as protons and neutrons are both made of quarks, β-decay converts an up quark into a down quark; releasing a β-particle and an antineutrino (an antineutrino has no charge or mass, so does not affect the chemistry of β-decay). This occurs by the weak nuclear force. For example:

This table shows some of the differences between α-decay and β-decay emissions:

        The fundamental difference between radioactive decay and nuclear fission is that, whereas radioactive decay is spontaneous, nuclear fission must be induced. In nuclear fission, when an unstable nucleus absorbs a neutron, it splits, emitting more neutrons and setting off a continuous chain reaction. This leads to products with nuclear masses around half those of the initial nuclei, whereas in radioactive decay, the initial and final nuclear masses are relatively close together. The other major difference is that fission releases considerably more energy than decay. This energy comes from mass lost in fission, according to the equation E = mc2, where E is energy, m is mass and c is the speed of light.

Synthesis of Elements in Stars

        Stars produce their energy from nuclear fusion, in which nuclei join together to make larger nuclei. Hydrogen is used in normal-sized stars:

        (e+ represents a positively charged electron, and νe is a neutrino) This process requires temperatures of around 13 million K and pressures of around 300 billion atmospheres. When almost all of the hydrogen has fused, the helium nuclei can collide to make nuclei such as beryllium:

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        This leads to the creation of further nuclei containing four nucleons: carbon, oxygen, neon and magnesium. Once all the helium has fused, further collisions take place between the created nuclei. This leads to the production of small amounts of hydrogen and helium, producing most of the first 18 elements, such as lithium:

        Lithium can also be produced by the collision of a Beryllium-7 nucleus and an electron. The nuclear process that takes place here is electron capture, in which an atom captures an electron, turning a proton into a neutron and releasing a neutrino. This happens by the ...

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