Our aim is to find out how the enzyme catalyse in yeast is affected by concentration, by measuring how much oxygen is produced.

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Laura Warne

How Concentration affects the enzyme catalase.

Enzymes are catalysts and increase the speed of a chemical reaction without themselves undergoing any permanent chemical change. They are neither used up in the reaction nor do they appear as reaction products


 Our aim is to find out how the enzyme catalyse in yeast is affected by concentration, by measuring how much oxygen is produced.  .


In my experiment I predict that when the concentration becomes higher the reactions rate will increase because most enzyme activity works better at a higher concentration.



Temperature:  The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction increases as the temperature is raised. In the case of reactions involving enzymes though, high temperatures adversely affect many enzymes. The reaction rate increases with temperature to an optimum level, and then declines with a further increase of temperature. This is because most enzymes rapidly become denatured at high temperatures. This means that we have to keep the temperature the same for each experiment, so we will not alter the temperature, but keep it at room temperature.

Optimum temperature 


Increasing activity

Denaturing takes place 




Concentration:  At low concentrations, collisions between enzyme and substance molecules are fewer and reaction occurs slower. As the concentration increases, the reaction rate increases proportionately as collisions between enzyme molecules and reactants are more often. When the enzymes begin to approach the maximum rate at which they can work with reactants, the amount of oxygen in this case stops being produced.

                                                             Enzyme approached maximum rate

Concentration increase



PH value: Enzymes are affected by changes in pH. Extremely high or low pH values can result in complete loss of activity for most enzymes. This is because the pH, when its acidic/alkaline it would denature the enzyme, which means that the enzyme can’t break down the substrate yeast. This will harm the ‘lock and key’ mechanism resulting in a change in the rate of the reaction.

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Temperature: This must be controlled to make the experiment a fair test.  If it is not controlled it will change the reaction rate in the experiment.  In order to control this we must do all experiments at room temperature making sure not to put in the path of an open window or heated radiator, open window causing a drop in temperature effecting the enzyme activity, radiator increasing the temperature again effecting the enzyme activity.

pH value: In our experiment we are testing how the different concentrations would change the reaction rate, so will not be using ...

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