Physics coursework: Trolley experiment

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Physics coursework: Trolley experiment


The aim of this experiment is to find out whether or not the mass of a trolley effects its acceleration when traveling down a ramp kept at a fixed height.


Set up the experiment as shown above. Run the cart down the ramp once to make sure the cart runs in a straight line. Start the cart with its front wheels behind the starting line each time. The run finishes when the back wheels cross the finishing line. Three runs will be taken for each weight and three runs will be taken without a weight. We decided to take seven different observations, increasing the weight by 0.8kg each time

Apparatus needed: 0.8kg weights (8)to add on to the cart)

Ramp (1.5m in length)

Cart (same cart used all the time)

Books (to hold up the ramp at a fixed height)

Stop watch (for timing the experiment)

Sand bags (to stop the car at the end of each run)

Safety: To keep this experiment safe, different precautions have to be taken.

* Sand bags will be used to prevent the cart falling of the table

* The ramp will be kept at a sensible height (17.5cm)

* The ramp will be kept on a flat surface.

* To prevent the ramp slipping, the books will be securely fastened.

The ramp will be kept at a fixed height for the whole experiment as if the height is changed, gravity will act differently on the car changing the results for each run. The only two forces that should act on the cart are air resistance as the surface area for the front of the cart changes, and friction, because the car gets heavier which slows the cart down.
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Each weight will weigh the same amount, so the weight of the cart changes in equal amounts. The amount of slabs on top of the cart will affect the speed, as the air resistance will be greater.

The cart will always start with its front wheels behind the finish line, and will finish with its back wheels have crossed the finishing line, which is 1.5m away from the starting line.

Our group picked this method as we thought it would be a good method because there would be interesting results. With this experiment the results ...

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