Physics of the Impossible - building a light sabre.

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Frank Fairechio     Physics of the Impossible       In Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel, Kaku explains the real science behind some of our favorite technologies in science fiction, including time travel, teleportation, invisibility, alternate worlds, and more. He explains that some of the technologies we consider commonplace now, would have been considered impossible 150 years ago. And in the same sense many of the things we consider impossible today may become common place in the future.    One topic he covers is light sabers, Aside from the sheer impracticality of this weapon  and not to mention how hazardous it would be to wave one of these around the Star Wars light saber will almost certainly never come to be. The first engineering challenge would be in figuring out a way to stop the beam of light about two feet from the source. Light simply does not work in this way, unless there's something to obstruct or absorb it. A physicists Slow Speed of Light what can be a break threw on
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stoping light at a point (4) Light, which normally travels the 240,000 miles from the Moon to Earth in less than two seconds, has been slowed to the speed of a minivan in rush-hour traffic -- 38 miles an hour. An entirely new state of matter, first observed four years ago, has made this possible. When atoms become packed super-closely together at super-low temperatures and super-high vacuum, they lose their identity as individual particles and act like a single super- atom with characteristics similar to a laser. We are still far away from stoping light at one point.Similarly, a highly ...

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