Plan of experiment to investigate the effect of different spring stiffness with the same weight

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Plan of experiment to investigate the effect of different spring stiffness with the same weight

What I am going to investigate in this experiment is the relation of the period of springs with their stiffness. I will carry out this investigation the following way:

First I will get 14 springs of the same resistance or similar and combine them to create different spring stiffness. These are the combination: 2 in parallel with 1 in series, 2 in series, 3 in series, 2 in parallel, 3 in parallel.

The following is the rest of the apparatus that I will need:

1 clamp stand, 1 clamp holder, I stopwatch, unknown mass (for the moment)

Now, this is how I will carry out the test:

First, I will set up the apparatus as the drawing below.

Once this apparatus has been set up I will get the weight (which I will decide on later) then I will put one of the spring combination hanging from the clamp holder and put the weight to hang from it. Then I will input an extra force so that it starts oscillating with the up and down motion and with the stop watch in my hand I will get the oscillation rhythm by doing a count down of 3, 2, 1, 0 and then I will start the stop watch and count 10 oscillation and stop the stopwatch. I will repeat this five times for each spring combination. I will do the same operation for each of the spring combination.

Now for deciding the mass that I will use in the experiment and also work out the stiffness of the spring combination that I will use I did some preliminary work that made me decide that approx. 300g is the mass that I am going to use in this experiment.

   The following are the spring stiffness that I obtained using the equation Constant (K) = Force (F)/ Extension (in M)

Now the following are the variables that I need to keep constant:

I will need to always use the same mass so that my results are not invalid, I will also need to watch out for the pendulum effect as it occurred in a previous experiment that was due to the clamp stand instability. I will also need to be aware at all time when the mass is oscillating to try and take the moment where I consider it starts to try and keep it the same.

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My hypothesis is that I think that stiffer (harder) the spring combination will be faster the oscillation will be. I say this because if 2 springs in series (next to each other) are loaded with a mass of 10N as they are 2 and that both are holding it back they will share the mass and each will be pulled by a force of 5N Newton so the oscillation (less force will the spring need to input to brig it back). However if 2 springs in series (one after the other) are loaded with 10n as they are one ...

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