Polymers. Polymer means many monomers. Sometimes polymers are also known as macromolecules or large-sized molecules. Usually, polymers are organic (but not necessarily).

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Polymer means many monomers. Sometimes polymers are also known as macromolecules or large-sized molecules. Usually, polymers are organic (but not necessarily).

A monomer is a molecule that is able to bond in long chains.

A polymer can be made up of thousands of monomer.

This linking up of monomers is called polymerization.

It is the long chains that give polymers their unique properties. Consider ethane, CH3-CH3, which is a gas molecule at room temperature. Because of their small size, ethane molecules are very mobile and can run almost anywhere they want without interacting with other molecules. Now, if we double the chain length or the total number of carbons to four, we get butane, CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3, which is a liquid fuel. In liquids, atoms or molecules can no longer act as independent units. Because of their larger size, butane molecules are less mobile than ethane molecules. Their lowered mobility allows them to run into or interact with one another more frequently. When the chain length increases 6 fold, as in paraffin, CH3(CH2CH2)10CH3, we get a waxy substance. In this case, the solid-like property of paraffin is a reflection of the entanglement of its long molecules when they move. If we keep increasing the number of repeating carbon units to, say, 2000, i.e., CH3(CH2CH2)2000CH3, we have a polyethylene polymer, which is a very strong, brittle solid. The polymer molecules have become so long and so entangled that their movement becomes almost completely restricted. At this point, they appear to be attached to other molecules, which act as "permanent" neighbours.

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Monomers link together by two basic methods:

  • addition polymerization and
  • condensation polymerization

There are many monomer molecules. Here are some examples:

Each of these monomer molecules seems very different, but they do have some common features.

Actually, these monomers have two distinctive features:
carbon-carbon double bonds and
side groups

The highlighted areas show the side groups on these monomer molecules. These groups give the polymer chain some of its properties.

The double bond, however, is the vital feature that allows these monomers to form the long polymer chains.

Two other functional groups you ...

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