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"There is more to religion than just just belief. For Instance, religion and religious organisations may help groups to cope with changes such as migration and adjustment to new societies. For some religion provide the whole basis on which their lives are structured"

To what extent so sociological arguments and evidence support this veiw of the relationship between religious beliefs, religious organisations and social groups?

     In society religion is seen to bring different principles to different people. Many groups see religion as being a factor of shaping the community and to what religon actually brings to socitey is agued among different theories. Firstly Marxist being tha conflict theory seen religion as have ideological control over a group of people, which gives them hope to all evil in society. Functionalist argue that religion hold the socitey together creating social solidarity. Feminists belive that religion encorages patriarchy so  asystem where society is beneficial to men. Interpretivists believe that we are social actors and religion makes us do certian rituals and commit to certain symbols(i.e Christians looking to the cross). Finally postmodernists belief that religious organisations are decreasing with increase of fundamentalism. This statment is implying that Religion helps people in defferent ways, to cope and adapt to changes of new societies and enables a structure for their lives.

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     Religious Organisations differ in many ways, they scale in terms of rigid hierarchy, ie.e from Roman Catholic Church with pope to just local priests. Sociologists have classified religious oragnisations into types. These main types are Churches, Demoninations, Sects and Cults. However these are just ideal types as it is challaging as some groups fall in between these types, therefore difficult to catergorize.

    Troeltsch made the distinction between church and sect. He believed a church aims to be the 'spiritual home' of everybody in socity, where membership is open to all and easily obtained. The church ...

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