Rate of Respiration

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Faisal Faruque        13.11        Biology Coursework


The purpose of this investigation is to discover whether different respiratory substrates will affect the rate of respiration of yeast. I will investigate this by measuring the amount of C02 evolved during anaerobic respiration. As C02 is a waste product produced during respiration, measuring the volume of c02 produced will allow me to evaluate which of the sugars are best metabolized during respiration (of yeast).

Background information


Yeasts are a form of eukaryotic microorganisms that are used heavily in industry to be used for fermentation of alcohols and baking. Yeast digest the sugars using extracellular enzymes to break down the compounds, thus yeast are known as saprophytes, which the products will be transported into the cell of the yeast by facilitated diffusion to be respired. The yeast synthesises the enzymes required that will be specific to the substrate that they will be digesting. For example, domestic yeast is sold in as a sucrose solution, and the cell membrane of the yeast contains a high concentration of sucrose enzymes, thus the yeast adapts its digestive enzymes to its environments to digest specific sugars. Yeast can respire both through aerobic and anaerobic respiration, depending on the availability of oxygen present within the surrounding area. If oxygen is not present then fermentation occurs which converts sugars i.e. glucose into ethanol and CO2 (Glucose  Ethanol and CO2), which is the anaerobic process. This is then respired out into surroundings. However if there is oxygen available then the sugar is fully metabolised and produces water and CO2 (glucose + oxygen  CO2 + water), in this process energy is released for the cell to respire. In both cases of respiration CO2 is produced as a waste product, hence I have chosen it as a measure to calculate the rate of rate of respiration (based on the volume of C02 evolved). When oxygen is provided to a yeast cell then respiration follows in a series of steps, in the experiment this will only occur in small amounts as the supply of oxygen will be limited. The first of the steps of respiration is known as glycolysis.


In glycolysis the glucose/ sugar molecule is split into 2 molecules of pyruvate and thus a net gain of 2 ATP molecules takes place. The process occurs within the cytoplasm of the yeast, and occurs when 2 molecules of ATP are hydrolysed to form ADT + Pi. To get the sugar in a more reactive form 2 phosphate groups are added to it, it is then in the form known as Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, this has 6 carbons. This is further split into two molecules of the 3 carbon sugar, when this is split into two molecules of pyruvate an oxidation reaction takes place and electrons are transferred to NAD and thus the energy which is released from this occurrence is used to join 4 moles of ADP + Pi to form ATP. In the end of this reaction we have a net gain of 2 ATP molecules and further a reduced NAD molecule as well, the reduced NAD goes onto the electron transport chain where it is finally converted into ATP.


Enzymes are globular proteins, and with a tertiary structure. This complex structure forms the active site where the amino acids around the active site bind to the substrate molecule to form an enzyme substrate complex. This makes the enzyme specific for one reaction only, as other molecules won't fit into the active site. When a substrate attempts to binds to the active site, the active site changes shape and hence distorts the active site to fit around the molecule. This is referred to as the induced fit mechanism.


Enzymes have an optimum temperature, where up to this temperature the rate increases with temperature. The rate of reaction increases because the enzyme and substrate molecules have an increase in kinetic energy hence the frequency of collisions increase. Above the optimum temperature the rate decreases the increase in heat energy breaks the hydrogen bonds holding the tertiary structure of the enzyme causing the structure of the active site to become denatured. Hence the substrate can no longer bind with the active site of the enzyme to form the enzyme substrate complex and hence the reaction is not catalysed. Hence if the respiratory enzymes (such as ATP synthase and NADH Dehydrogenase) will be denatured and respiration will stop.


Enzymes have an optimum pH at which they have the highest rates of reaction. The pH affects the charge of the amino acids at the active site (as amino acids are Zwitter ions) and this causes the structure of the active site to change the substrate can no longer bind to form an enzyme substrate complex. A change in pH may disrupt the optimum pH for the extracellular digestive enzymes that are used by the yeast. Hence the substrates cannot bind to the active site and form an enzyme substrate complex, causing the rate of respiration to decrease.

Facilitated Diffusion.

Facilitated diffusion is the transport of substances across a membrane by a trans-membrane protein molecule. The transport proteins are specific for one molecule (for example a carrier protein for glucose will not diffuse a sucrose molecule). Molecules are transported down a concentration gradient, hence facilitated diffusions a passive diffusion process. This is important to respiration and my investigation because the substrates that I will be using are polar. Hence, before the yeast can start respiring the yeast first must saprophytic digest the substrate, and then absorb the products via facilitated diffusion, as the sugars are polar and cannot diffuse via lipid diffusion due to the phospholipids bi-layer.

There are two types of proteins that are used for facilitated diffusion. Channel Proteins form a water saturated channel in the membrane. This allows polar substances (usually ions) to diffuse across membranes. Carrier Proteins have a binding site for a specific solute and constantly flip between two states so that the site is alternately open to opposite sides of the membrane. The substance will bind on the side where it at a high concentration and be released where it is at a low concentration.

Independent variable

In this investigation, the independent variable is the 5 different types of sugars to be used in the experiment, Glucose, Fructose, Maltose, Lactose and Sucrose.

Dependent variable

The dependant variable will be the volume of c02 produced during yeast respiration.

Null hypothesis

There is no difference between the volumes of CO2 produced by any of these substrates when respired by yeast under the experimental conditions


There will be a relationship between the substrate used and the volume of CO2 evolved by each substrate when used in respiration by the yeast.


I predict that in this experiment that the type pf substrate used will affect the amount of C02 produced, and hence the rate of respiration. This is due to the fact that sugars are needed in order to carry out respiration. Thus the yeast will be able to carry out aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration will only occur on the surface of the yeast where oxygen is available; however anaerobic respiration will dominate the respiration as the volume of 02 is limited as we go deeper into the solution. Therefore the products of respiration will be ethanol and CO2 and will yield consideberaly less ATP than aerobic respiration.

Referring to my research, I believe that although glucose and fructose are monosaccharides, they can be directly absorbed by the yeast as the yeast does not need to produce any extracellur enzymes to digest the sugars. Hence respiration will occur quicker with these two sugars. However, maltose consists of two glucose molecules, hence when the yeast manufactures maltase to digest the maltose, there will be twice as much glucose available to the yeast than just using glucose or fructose therefore there will be more glucose molecules in the same volume, so more sugars are available for respiration. Because of this it will produce a lot more CO2 in the same amount of time. However, because glucose is a polar molecule it must be transported into the cell membrane of the yeast via facilitated diffusion. If all of the carrier proteins are occupied while transporting the glucose molecule, then the amount of carrier proteins in the yeast membrane can be a limiting factor limiting the respiration.

I predict that lactose will produce the smallest volume of C02 gas because the yeast does not have the lactase gene to synthesis the lactase enzyme used for the hydrolysis of lactose enzymes lactase is not present to catalyse this reaction it will not occur. Hence if the lactose remains undigested, its monomers (glucose and galactose) cannot be used for the metabolic pathways in respiration, hence no C02 will be produced.


  • Gas syringe
  • Water bath
  • Thermometer
  • Boiling tube
  • Measuring cylinders
  • Dry yeast
  • Substrates (glucose, fructose etc)
  • Stop clock
  • Safety goggles
  • Rubber stopper
  • Distilled water
  • Electronic balance
  • Beaker
  • Universal indicator
  • Acidic buffer solution
  • Funnel
  • Buffer Solution

Method of investigation

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Controlled Variables

Calculations (making 1M sugar solutions):

In order to synthesis the standard solutions of each substrate the substrate must be dissolved in fixed. In this investigation I will need to determine the mass of sugar needed to be dissolved in 1000cm3 of water to create a 1M sugar solution. I have included my calculations in the table below.

A control experiment will be conducted parallel to the actual experiment. The experimental control that I will be using will be a boiling tube containing yeast and will be placed in the same ...

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