Respiration including Glycolysis and Link Reaction

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Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but san be converted from one form to another.

It exists as potential (stored) energy and kinetic energy.

a) All living organisms need energy to run their biological processes. These are collectively called metabolism.

Anabolic= build up large molecules, catabolic= large molecule  small molecules
some energy from catabolic reactions is heat which is useful as metabolic reactions are controlled by enzymes which need a suitable temp.
These metabolic processes need energy:

Active transport- moving ions across membrane against conc. gradient.

Secretion- large molecules made in some cells exported by exocytosis.

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Endocytosis- bulk movement of large molecules into cells

Anabolism examples- smaller molecules  large e.g. proteins AA, steroids cholesterol, cellulose from B-glucose.

Replication of DNA & synthesis of organelles before a cell divides

Movement e.g. flagella, cilia and muscle contraction

Activation of chemicals- glucose is phosphorylated at start of respiration so more unstable and can be broken down to release energy

b) The hydrolysis of ATP is coupled with synthesis reactions e.g. DNA replication or protein synthesis as these require energy. The energy released from ATP hydrolysis is the immediate source of energy for these biological processes.


c) ...

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Simple spelling mistakes made by errors in proof-reading. Otherwise, grammar, spelling and punctuation all to a good level. The tone of the piece is correct, but the text is in a format which can be quite hard to read so a simpler font should be used. The candidate splits the work into sections but should use clear subheadings between pieces.

The definition and the image which are provided do not really add to the essay and explanation of respiration. The candidate would have been better providing equations which they could have then explained a bit better rather than images which are quite subjective in definition. The candidate gives a very long winded definition of anabolism and catabolism without linking it to respiration until the end, and they should have linked earlier to show a direct focus to the question. The different reactions of respiration are explained well and they are broken down into stages and related to the structure of the mitochondria. However, images would have made the stages clearer, and deeper detail in the stages would have showed a deeper understanding and research of the topic.

The candidate does this essay well. They relate to the ocr objectives on respiration well and show the different stages of respiration. They go into relatively good detail, although the text could be a bit more focused near the beginning.