Scalectrix Experiment.

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What I want to find out

I want to find the speed of a Scalectrix car at three different places along a track. While setting the current with a variable resistor. This is to prove that a different current can in increase or decrease the speed of a Scalectrix car.

What I think will happen and my physical reason for this

I think when the current gets higher the car will get faster. This is because the higher the current the more energy given to the car giving it more kinetic energy.

I found from my research

I have found from my research nothing about a Scalectrix experiment but I have found some information that will relate to it. The more current it has the faster the car will go. I figured this out by thinking that the higher the amount of electric current the more amount of kinetic energy which is the move movement of objects.

My plan

My plan is to use a Scalectrix track with a length of ......m in length then measure the speed with a speedometer every 1m while measuring the current so I can compare the current to the speed.

I carried out the plan using the following apparatus
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Light gate

Scalectrix track

Scalectrix car

Variable resistor


Crocodile clips


Solder and soldering iron

Wire clippers



I will set up my apparatus as shown in the diagram below

What I am going to measure, count and observe

I'm going to measure, the current using an ammeter and the speed of the car at three points using an electronic timer. I also measured the distances of the light sensors from the start.

To make it a fair test I will have ...

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