Should Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening be available free for anyone to use?

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Should Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening be available free for anyone to use?


This report is going to be about Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening and whether or not it should be available to anybody, free, who wants to have a baby. I am going to be looking at two topics which are Aneuploidy and Sex selection. The reason why I am going to be talking about these two topics is because Aneuploidy is an inherited disease caused when there is a change in the number of chromosomes. I shall also be talking about sex selection because in order to do so, PGS must be used.

Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening is when chromosomes of embryos are taken from In-vitro fertilisation. Once this is collected, the embryo will be screened for abnormalities or problems to do with the chromosomes. The procedure helps the doctor to be able to find the embryo with no chromosomal abnormalities which will then be ready for implantation into the womb. PGS reduces the child of having any sort of disorders due to a genetic or chromosomal problem. However, some people do think that this procedure should not be taking place.

Currently who is it available to?    

It is not available to all women, it is only for those who

  • Are over 35
  • Has a family history of genetic/chromosomal abnormalities
  • Failed attempts of IVF
  • Had three or more miscarriages

The reason for these strict guidelines is because that when you are older, the likelihood of issues to do with birth or genetics is higher. The reason for this is because as you get older, the cells are older too which means that the cells are likely to be mutated or mutating which can lead to problems in having birth. One of these problems would be Aneuploidy where there is a missing chromosome or an extra chromosome which could lead to genetic diseases such as Down syndrome.  

The development of having a baby

In every nucleus of a cell in the human body, there are 46 chromosomes and 23 pairs. Half of the pairs are inherited by the mother (XX) and the other half is inherited by the father (XY). Only one pair of the 23 pairs is used for the determination of the sex of the baby, the other 22 pairs are called autosomes. The egg cells from the mother contain XX chromosomes and from the father it is XY. If the X chromosome from the male fertilises with the mother’s egg, it will be a female (XX).  But if the Y chromosome from the male fertilises with the egg it will be a male (XY). This means that it is a 50% chance of the offspring being either male or female.

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Aneuploidy is when there is either an extra or missing chromosome in a cell. If this was the case, it would lead to a genetic disease such as Down syndrome. This is when PGS is necessary where the embryo is screened for any Aneuploidy and the ones that have the correct number of chromosomes are implanted into the mother’s womb.

The screening for Aneuploidy involves ‘Fluorescence in situ hybridization’. This is when chromosomes are identified by utilizing fluorescent probes which are especially made for chromosomes. This allows the chromosomes to be viewed under a microscope where it can ...

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