Superconductivity. 907349

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Ali jawad


In this case study, I will talk about how resistance is linked with superconductivity. I will also talk about the benefits and risks about superconducting materials and how superconductivity can enhance our daily life.

Superconductivity occurs in certain materials (metals and ceramic materials) at very low temperatures. When a material is superconductive, it has an electrical resistance of exactly ZERO. Because these superconducting materials have no electrical resistance, this means that the electrons can travel through them freely so energy isn’t lost through heat and are long-lasting materials. The electrical resistivity of a metallic conductor decreases gradually as the temperature is lowered, as the lower temperature makes it easier for the electrons to pair up with little or no resistance. In a superconductor, the resistance drops exactly to zero when the material is cooled below its critical temperature (the temperature at which electrical resistance is zero). So an electrical current flowing in a superconducting wire can persevere with NO power source.

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In superconductivity materials, its characteristics appear after it’s cooled below the critical temperature (varies between materials).This is mostly between 20Kelvin to 1K, e.g. solid mercury has critical temperature of 4.2K. Metals undergo metallic bonding where they have delocalised electrons allowing them to conduct in the form of heat and electricity. But, large amounts of energy are lost through heat, as the atoms collide with each other in the lattice structure. In a superconductor however, the electrons travel in pairs and move quickly between the atoms, so energy isn’t lost through heat making it more efficient. The Meissner effect is ...

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