Surface Area to Volume Ratio investigation.

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Surface Area to Volume Ratio investigation


* All organisms carry out exchange between themselves and their environment.

* There is also exchange by diffusion. The rate of diffusion is affected by:

- Temperature

- Surface Area

- Steepness of the concentration gradient

- Distance over which diffusion takes part

The larger the surface area or the steeper the

concentration gradient or the thinner the membrane of diffusion barrier, the faster is the diffusion.

- Diffusion becomes less efficient as the surface area does not increase to an extent that would satisfy the increased demands of a larger volume cell.

- As the length of the sides of a cubodial cell increase then:

Surface area and volume increase exponentially, volume increases at a greater pace, surface area/volume ratio decreases exponentially.

As cell sizes increase, the surface area does not increase in proportion to the volume.

Example by means of a cube.

* All organisms need to exchange substances such as food, waste, gases and heat with their surroundings. These substances must diffuse between the organism and the surroundings. The rate at which a substance can diffuse is given by Fick's law:

Rate of Diffusion a

surface area x concentration difference


The rate of exchange of substances therefore depends on the organism's surface area that is in contact with the surroundings. The requirements for materials depends on the volume of the organism, so the ability to meet the requirements depends on the surface area : volume ratio.

As organisms get bigger their volume and surface area both get bigger, but volume increases much more than surface area. A bacterium is all surface with not much inside, while a whale is all insides with not much surface. This means that as organisms become bigger it becomes more difficult for them to exchange materials with their surroundings. In fact this problem sets a limit on the maximum size for a single cell of about 100 mm. In anything larger than this materials simply cannot diffuse fast enough to support the reactions needed for life. Very large cells like birds' eggs are mostly inert food storage with a thin layer of living cytoplasm round the outside. Organisms also need to exchange heat with their surroundings, and here large animals have an advantage in having a small surface area/volume ratio: they lose less heat than small animals. Large mammals keep warm quite easily and don't need much insulation or heat generation. Small mammals and birds lose their heat very readily, so need a high metabolic rate in order to keep generating heat, as well as thick insulation. So large mammals can feed once every few days while small mammals must feed continuously. Human babies also loose heat more quickly than adults, which is why they need woolly hats. So how do organisms larger than 100 mm exists? All organisms larger than 100 mm are multicellular, which means that their bodies are composed of many small cells, rather than one big cell. Each cell in a multicellular organism is no bigger than about 30mm, and so can exchange materials quickly and independently. Humans have about 1014 cells.

Cell Differentiation

Multicellular organisms have another difference from unicellular ones: their cells are specialised, or differentiated to perform different functions. So the cells in a leaf are different from those in a root or stem, and the cells in a brain are different from those in skin or muscle. In a unicellular organism (like bacteria or yeast) all the cells are alike, and each performs all the functions of the organism.
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