The aim of this experiment is to determine the effects of varying temperatures on enzyme (Catalase). We will conclude the experiment by establishing the enzymes optimum temperature (the temperature at which it works best at).

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The aim of this experiment is to determine the effects of varying temperatures on enzyme

(Catalase). We will conclude the experiment by establishing the enzymes optimum temperature

(the temperature at which it works best at). We will also carry out some simple experiments

using the substrate Hydrogen Peroxide.

Hydrogen Peroxide + Catalase ------> Water + Oxygen

2H202 2H20 + 02


The aim of this experiment is to determine the effect of varying temperature of enzyme Catalase.

On hydrogen peroxide.


Water baths


.Stop Clock

.Measuring cylinder

.Conical Flask/bung

.Delivery tube

Using the equipment safely

It is important that we use the apparatus carefully, as safety will be an issue through out the

whole experiment. We will wear goggles and an overall, to protect our eyes and clothes. As we

are using enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide we need to be extra careful, ensuring they don’t

come in contact with our eyes and skin. We also must be careful when using hot water, being

careful not to burn ourselves. Therefore through out the whole experiment we shall be very

careful in our actions around the lab.

Catalase is an enzyme found in all living cells. It makes Hydrogen Peroxide decompose into

water and oxygen. We will measure the amount of Oxygen released from the Hydrogen

Peroxide. In order to do this we will use an inverted measuring cylinder. This piece of apparatus

measures the amount of Oxygen given off, measuring in (ml). This will help us measure the

amount of Oxygen more accurately.

To make the test fair, the following parameters must remain constant during the experiment.

These parameters are water, Hydrogen Peroxide, Catalase, room temperature and the duration

of the reactions. By insuring this test is fair, we will gain accurate results..


Dependant Variable: rate of breakdown of Hydrogen Peroxide, time

Independent Variable: temperature of solution.

Control Variable: Volume of Hydrogen Peroxide, volume of Catalase solution, concentration of

Hydrogen Peroxide, concentration of Catalase. .


I predict that the greatest voloume of oxygen will be produced at body temp which is 37 °C  as

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this is the temperature are bodies are and enzymes are designed to work best in this condition.

At low temperatures particles of reacting substances do not have much energy. However, when

the substances are heated, the particles gain energy. This causes them to move faster and collide

more often. The collisions have more energy, so more of them are successful. Therefore the rate

of reaction increases.

The more successful the collisions are the faster the reaction.

The same can be said for reactions controlled by enzymes, but because enzymes are proteins if

the temperature ...

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