The aim of this investigation is to investigate the relationship between current and voltage for a range of components

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                Physics Coursework (Resistance of a wire, Insulation)       Ms. Besford

AIM: The aim of this investigation is to investigate the relationship between current and voltage for a range of components


The key variables of this experiment are current and voltage.

Current is a flow of electrons. In a series circuit the current is the same everywhere. Ammeter is used to measure current. For electrons to flow a complete circuit is needed. In a parallel circuit the current is split between the branches. Amps (A) is the unit of current. Current does not get used up as it flows around the circuit.

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More electrons / faster electron means bigger current.

Voltage is the amount of energy each electron has e.g. When a car is filled with petrol it goes faster as it has more petrol to burn. The more batteries the more voltage (energy) each electron has, so the brighter the bulb. In a series circuit the voltage is shared. In a parallel circuit each branch gets the same voltage as the battery. We measure voltage with a voltmeter in volts (V). Voltmeter must be connected in a parallel circuit.


        0-1 A



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