The Compound Pendulum

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The Compound Pendulum


  • To confirm that a metre rule behaves as a compound pendulum when oscillating;
  • To determine the acceleration due to gravity using a compound pendulum.


Sources used in research of the above tasks are:

  1. A Text-Book of Practical Physics - William Watson; page 129
  2. Laboratory Physics - JH Avery & AWK Ingram; page 69
  3. Intermediate Physics - CJ Smith; page 50
  4. The Text-Book of General Physics - GR Noakes; page 394
  5. Intermediate Mechanics - D Humphrey; page 60
  6. Introduction to Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Second Edition) - Frederick J. Bueche; page 222

Where direct quotation is made from a source, the source number is shown in superscript after the preceding italicised quote, e.g. ‘quote’ 4  .

The compound pendulum is defined as: ‘a rigid body of any shape and internal structure which is free to turn about a fixed horizontal axis, the only external forces being those due to gravity and the reaction of the axis on the body’ 3. In this investigation a wooden metre rule with holes drilled at various positions down its centre, pivoted on a pin, will act as the compound pendulum.

The time period, T, for the oscillations of a compound pendulum is given by:

T = 2π    k² + h²


Equation from: 4; 2; 7


  • ‘T’ is the time period in seconds - dependant variable
  • ‘k’ is the radius of gyration about an axis through the centre of gravity in metres - independent variable (constant)
  • ‘h’ is the distance of the pivot from the centre of gravity in metres - independent variable
  • ‘g’ is the acceleration due to gravity - dependant variable

By plotting T against h at this point, the graph will be a parabola. This is because T is proportional to h, and the equation is not in the form of y = mx + c, in which case the graph would be a straight line.

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The above equation can also be written including the mass of the pendulum. However, ‘at the same place, bodies of different masses fall in a vacuum with the same acceleration g’ 5 and, as mass is a constant, it can be ignored.


Squaring both sides of the above equation gives:

T² = 4π²  h² + k²


Expanding the brackets gives:

T² = 4π² k² + 4π² h²

   hg          hg

Multiplying through by h gives the initial equation in the form of y ...

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The spelling, punctuation and grammar appear to be perfect or very close. It is pleasing to see good use of relevant scientific terms being used correctly.

The text has good, relevant physics throughout. It contains good use of references, though these are usually placed at the end of the report. There was no graph, uncertainties or final answer, which made the report less useful.

The candidate has not completed the work so has not answered the question. However, this is a great start. The explanation of theory is good, an important step that is often left until conclusions or sometimes omitted at A-level and should not be. The equation should definitely be in there but doesn't need each stage of rearranging showing, if you feel there is a need to show a proof it should be in an appendix. The method seemed reasonable with a clear understanding of how to limit sources of inaccuracies.