The daphnia lab report

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 Coffee beans, chocolate and tea, all contain caffeine. Caffeine can be artificially produced and added to foods but is made naturally in seeds of plants and leaves. Caffeine is characterized as a drug, which stimulates our central nervous system by momentary relief of drowsiness and restoring alertness.  In humans, caffeine is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the intestinal tract. If used in moderation, caffeine behaves as a gentle stimulant to the nervous system, it blocks neurotransmitters (adenosine) and the outcome is feelings of well-being and awareness. Medically known as trimethylxantive, Caffeine is also in pain relievers, within 5 minutes of Caffeine consumption, the Central Nervous system is stimulated and the heart begins to beat faster and faster as it supply’s oxygenated blood to the rest of the human body. 

Since caffeine affects the brain and nerves, it can affect a person’s mood and behavior. Children and teens are at a much higher risk of experiencing side effects versus adults who are bigger in size. A moderate amount of caffeine usually lifts the mood of the consumer. However, too much caffeine is dangerous. It is also known that caffeine affects one’s sleep. In Taipei times, a recent story states that an 18 year old boy was rushed to hospital after consuming 8 16-ounce cans of Rockstar drinks each night. Which showed that children of today consume these dangerous, easy to get drinks but they don’t know the high amounts of caffeine that are placed in theses drinks which cause irregularities in the human heart.  Caffeine abuse causes palpitations, tremors, diarrhea, nausea, chest pains, sweating, vomiting and neurological symptoms. Addicts develop tolerance for caffeine and require a higher dosage every time to achieve the desired effects (Hasan 24). Early studies showed that high levels of Caffeine made the heart beat abnormally fast and constricted cerebral blood vessels in the human brain. Therefore, if a caffeine addict decided to stop drinking coffee for a day, their blood vessels would dilate resulting in a powerful headache. Other symptoms include fatigue and melancholy when withdrawing from caffeine (Caffeine).

Caffeine’s sensitivity varies from human to human but high levels of caffeine isn’t good for the human body, as it is linked to restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, stress, heart irregularities and an increase in blood pressure. The smaller the person, the less amount of caffeine is needed to produce the side effects. This drug is diuretic as well, which means it causes the person to urinate more. Caffeine also causes loss of calcium in the body which leads to bone density loss and a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Eventually this could lead to circulatory problems. 

A valuable study is to find out the effects of caffeine on humans, than again there are a numerous amounts of problems that follow the concept of conducting experiments on humans. Hence, an alternative is a model organism that mimics human characteristics internally. Then with the results of the experiment, we can reference it to humans. Daphnia are a great model for this experiment because they can be easily handled and manipulated. Daphnia are also visible under the microscope and it is easier to see their heart beat. Daphnia are advantageous when it comes to experiments because they are easy to keep and maintain, they are also easy to study plus they are inexpensive.

Daphnia or water fleas are small crustaceans which belong to the group Daphniidae. They get this common name due to their “jerky” movement in water and resemblance to real fleas. These kidney-shaped creatures are entirely females and reproduce asexually but when they are under an inefficient environment the females will sometimes convert themselves to males to save food and not become pregnant( this will be further talked about below). Visually (under a microscope), males can be determined through their large antennules and smaller size versus the females large body and eggs it stores. Females produce over a 100 eggs during each nesting which occurs every 3 days.   Daphnia are sensitive when it comes to poor water conditions, they are sensitive to chloride or fluoride which is in tap water and highly toxic for these creatures. Their sensitivity increases when it comes to metal ion concentrations of potassium, magnesium and calcium, which cause death. Also they are used in monitoring water quality so safe water is released from our taps and other industries. During the most advantageous conditions, the female daphnia will produce 100 eggs or more during each nesting and this gestation is 3 days long. A female will have as many as 25 broods (cluster of daphnia babies) in her life span but on average it’s about 6 broods or 600 and up number of daphnia infants. Therefore, the daphnia is good for this experiment since there are so many of these daphnia. These asexual crustaceans are all females during the time of spring and summer (however, depending on environment), the developed embryos are visible but when food is limited some of theses embryos will change into males, then theses tiny, dark brown to black kidney shaped embryos are released into “suspended animation”. When the conditions of the environment improve the male sex is eliminated as it dies out and this method will be used again when conditions worsen (Clare).

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Hypothesis: If the concentration of caffeine increases then the daphnia’s heart rate will also increase.


Positive- Even a little amount of caffeine will always increase the heart rate of a daphnia.

Negative- the daphnia is always going to give an unknown result.




Test tubes

Test tube rack

Energy Drink (a drink containing Caffeine)

Distilled water

Stop watch

Depression Slides


Daphnia Magna

Petri dish


  1. Before beginning, it was assured that the area was clean, goggles were worn at all times and all lab safety rules were followed.
  2. All materials were gathered.
  3. Six different caffeine ...

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*** There are some major flaws in the method and a lack of detail on the biology and control of heart rate in Daphnia.