One of the very important properties of which membranes possess is their selective permeability. This allows certain molecules as well as ions to pass freely through the membrane, with this said, this eliminates other molecules from doing so. Acknowledging the complex structure as well as properties of a cell membrane is highly detriment in order to understand how cells function.
Despite the technicalities of a cell membranes configuration as well as structure varies based on its particular functions, all membranes are constructed of mainly proteins as well as lipids, in a structure known as a lipid bilayer.
The lipid bilayer (also known as a phospholipid bilayer) structure of which enables for the flexibility needed for cell growth to occur as well as movement as well as the selective permeability of which is highly fundamental to membrane function.
A component of a plant cell of which normally consists of water is known as the vacuole that is surrounded by a membrane called the tonoplast. Within beetroot plants, the vacuole also consists a water-soluble red pigment, known as betacyanin, of which gives the beetroot its color. If for any reason the tonoplast is damaged, the parts of the vacuole will pour out into the surrounding environment. When talking about beetroots, when the membrane is damaged, the red pigment will spill out into the surrounding environment. The sharpness of the red color within the environment must be similar to the amount of cellular damage of which the beetroot has sustained.
This experiment allows me to test the effect of three very different alcohols (methanol, ethanol, as well as 1-propanol) on cell membranes. Ethanol is an alcohol of which is located within alcoholic beverages. Methanol, occasionally called wood alcohol, is said to cause blindness as well as death. Propanol is highly fatal if consumed. A possible reason as to why various alcohols are highly potent to living organisms is that they may damage membranes, this therefore resulting in the death of the entire cell. Methanol, ethanol, and 1-propanol are very similar alcohols in different ways, comparisons only by the number of hydrogen as well as carbon atoms in the molecule.1-propanol, CH3CH2CH2OH, being the largest of the three molecules followed by ethanol, CH3CH2OH, being intermediate in size and lastly Methanol, CH3OH, being the smallest. All three alcohols being used within this experiment are all colourless. So for the section of which involves the beetroots, when the red-like pigment (from the beetroot) leeks into the alcohol/solution, the alcohol/solution will turn red. As stated previously the strength of the colour within the solution must be similar to the amount of cellular damage the beetroot has sustained. With this being said, as the concentration of pigment within the solution increases, the intensity of the the light of which is able to pass through the solution decreases.
Concentration (%)
(50 ml of each concentration)
(50 ml of each concentration)
(50 ml of each concentration)
5 Beetroots (canned or fresh)
5 Potato
54 test tubes
10 ML (glass) measuring cylinder
Other equipment
White tile
Stop watch
Test tube rack
Cork borers (6)
Distilled water
Weighing boats
Face mask
It is uncertain to know the concrete possible outcome of how the weight will change for any of the concentrations being used, or if there will be a change at all.
It is uncertain to know the concrete possible outcome of how the weight will change for any of the concentrations being used, or if there will be a c hange at all. Also with that being said, as the concentration of the alcohol increases the amount of pigment leakage within the solution/alcohol increases. With this being said, as the concentration of pigment within the solution increases, the intensity of the light of which is able to pass through the solution decreases.
PLANNED METHOD (design plan):
Independent variable- Going to assess, how the different alcohol concentrations affect the potato as well as beetroot cell membranes.
Control variable- The conditions of which are going to be controlled during the investigation is the amount of alcohol of which is going to be used in each and every test tube, which is 5ml. Also the time period, of which the potato and beetroot pieces are going to be left within the alcohol, of which is 45 minutes.
Experimental conditions-I am going to use three different types of alcohols of which I am going to use; 1-propanol, ethanol, methanol.
Controlled conditions- The controlled condition within this investigation is the use of 0% alcohol, of which is going to be deionized/ distilled water. This is to see a significant change/ development within the results.
Trials-I plan on repeating each alcohol 2 to 3 times.
The mathematical test of which I have chosen to carry out for my data obtained is a correlation & coefficient test, based on the fact that I have 2 sets of data and 2 variables measured of which I am able to use. I will be using the mass as well as the transmission R2 value from the graph in order to calculate the correlation & coefficient.
I will be using my degree of freedom to find my critical value. Using the critical value, It will be compared with my R2 value. If the value is higher it will mean that there is a strong negative correlation between the mass and alcohol concentration/transmission. If the value is less, this therefore meaning that there is a strong negative correlation, therefore meaning there is no correlation between mass and alcohol concentration/transmission.
Justification of use
Alcohol (Methanol, Ethanol and 1-Propanol)
Chosen alcohols that beetroot and potato pieces were put in, in order to analyze their effect on the permeability of the cell membrane.
This is the variable of which was chosen in order to see how different alcohols at different concentrations affect the cell membrane of the cells.
This is the variable of which was chosen in order to see how different alcohols at different concentrations affect the cell membrane of the cells.
54 measuring test tubes
This is where the various alcohol as well as the potato and beetroot pieces are going to be put and mixed.
10 ML Measuring cylinder
This was used to measure 5 ml of alcohol of the various concentrations.
Other Equipment
Face mask
To protect my face from inhaling the fumes/smell of which comes from the different alcohols.
To measure the length of the beetroot as well as the potato, to ensure that all the pieces are 1 cm long.
To measure the levels of intensity of light of which is able to pass through the various solutions.
Weighing boats
To put the potato/beetroot pieces on in order to weigh them.
This was used in order to cut the potato/beetroot pieces.
Distilled water
To use as the “0%” concentration. Also used to calibrate the colourimeter.
Cork borer (6mm)
This is to cut cylinder like pieces out of the potatoes as well as the beetroot.
To mark/label the test tubes.
Stop watch
To time the reaction. In other words to time and ensure that the beetroot and potato pieces are in the various alcohols for only 5 minutes.
Test tube rack
This was used in order to old all the test tubes while the investigation was carried out.
This was used in order to weight the potato and beetroot pieces before as well as after they were put in alcohol.
These were used in order to prevent any substances from touching my skin/hands.
White tile
This is where the potato and beetroot pieces were cut and measured.
This was used in order to carry the pieces.
This was to clean the work area, due to the fact that it got a bit messy at times.
In this investigation, the effect of various alcohols (at various concentrations) on the stability of the cell membrane of beetroot as well as potato is being investigated as well as analyzed. Methanol, Ethanol, as well as 1-Propanol are the chosen alcohols of which the beetroot as well as the potato pieces are going to be placed in. This is to be able to analyze their effect on the permeability of the cell membrane. For the beetroot this will be done with the use of two methods, the first way is to measure the change in weight of the pieces before being put in the alcohol and after. The second way is to measure the level of intensity of light of which is able to pass through the various solutions. For the potato, this will only be done using one method, which is to measure the change in weight of the pieces before being put in the alcohol and after its been put in alcohol (after a certain period of time). The results for both, the results are calculated and analyzed and then a conclusion is made.