The effect of Copper Sulphate concentration on Catalase activity on Hydrogen Peroxide.

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The effect of Copper Sulphate concentration on Catalase activity on Hydrogen Peroxide


The aim of my investigation is to explore the effects of chemical inhibitors upon the rate of reaction. The reaction I am going to focus on is the breakdown of Hydrogen Peroxide by the enzyme Catalase. Such reaction is represented by the following equation:

2H202 (aq) ?2H20 (l) + 02 (g)

Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, is a colourless, syrupy liquid that is a strong oxidising agent and, in water solution, a Iak acid. It is miscible with cold water and is soluble in alcohol and ether. Although pure hydrogen peroxide is fairly stable, it decomposes into water and oxygen when heated above about 80°C; it also decomposes in the presence of numerous catalysts, e.g., most metals, acids, or oxidisable organic materials. A small amount of stabiliser, usually acetanilide, is often added to it. Upon the bases of this information, collected from the source ( and a pilot experiment, which I carried out, I decided that the latter could function as a suitable substrate for the reaction I am going to be studying.

Catalase is an enzyme: enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up the rate of a reaction by loIring the activation energy needed to initially break the bonds that hold the reactant molecules together. Catalases are some of the most efficient enzymes found in cells. Each catalase molecule can decompose millions of hydrogen peroxide molecules every second (200,000 catalytic events/second).

Catalase is encountered in most living tissues, and it is present in nearly all the peroxisomes of nearly all aerobic cells, serving to protect the cell from the toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide by catalysing its decomposition into molecular oxygen and water. I shall describe in more detail the nature of this process: our cells are constantly supplied with oxygen. The latter is a vital molecule for our body but it has also got some dangers; one of them is that it is easily converted into reactive compounds. Inside our cells, electrons are continually shuttled from site to site by carrier molecules, such as carriers derived from riboflavin and niacin. If oxygen runs into one of these carrier molecules, the electron may be accidentally transferred to it. This converts oxygen into dangerous compounds such as super oxide radicals and Hydrogen Peroxide, which can attack the delicate sulphur atoms and metal ions in proteins.

The enzyme is composed of four identical subunits, each with its own active site buried deep inside. The Iron ion is gripped at the centre of a disk-shaped Haem group. Catalases, due to the fact that they have to fight against reactive molecules, are unusually stable enzymes. The chains interIave, locking the entire complex into a proper shape.

I managed to encounter, along with the information I displayed a figure representing the structure of catalase: (

Enzymes have features, which are called active sites. The latter, are regions of the enzyme molecule, more specifically clefts or depressions, to which another molecule or number of molecules can bind to. These, take the name of substrates. The active site's shape allows the substrate to fit perfectly, and to be held in place by temporary bonds, which form betIen the substrate and some of the side chains of the enzyme's amino acid. Each enzyme is specific to a certain substrate, in our case the enzyme catalase whose active sites can only allow Hydrogen Peroxide molecules to bind. This is because each active site has a specific shape, and only one type of substrate has a suitable shape to be able to fit into the active site. This hypothesis takes the name of the "lock and key model". To be more detailed, the substrate- binding site consists of an indentation on the surface of an enzyme molecule that is complementary in shape to the substrate, this relationship takes the name of geometric complementarity. Moreover, the amino acid residues that form the binding site are arranged to interact specifically with the substrate in an attractive manner (electronic complementarity). Molecules that differ in shape or functional group distribution from the substrate cannot productively bind to the enzyme.

There had been hypothesis that the active site was a rigid structure, lacking of malleability, but it has been discovered that it can actually alter its shape slightly in order to perfectly fit around the substrate. This secondary hypothesis, took the name of " induced fit theory".

It is important to specify that the enzyme does not form a chemical bond with the substrate. After the reaction, the products are released and the enzyme returns to its normal shape. Because the enzyme does not form chemical bonds with the substrate, it remains unchanged. As a result, the enzyme molecule can be reused. Only a small amount of enzyme is needed because they can be used repeatedly.

Prediction & Scientific explanation:

In my aim I introduced the concepts of enzymes and described the chemistry behind the catalysis reaction, as Ill as displaying some information about the reactants involved in the breakdown of Hydrogen Peroxide. I did so in order to be able to focus on the concept of inhibitors in this part of the investigation.

Chemical inhibitors are molecules, that have a shape and structure which is very much resembling to the substrate's one. This resemblance allows the inhibitor to easily bind to the enzyme's active site, making it impossible for the substrate to bind to the active site.

Very common chemical inhibitors are solutions, which contain metal ions, such as the one I am using: copper sulphate. In my case the copper ions act as inhibitors preventing the Hydrogen Peroxide molecules (former substrates), to bind to catalase's active sites. Before I go into more detail into the explanation of this reaction I'm going to distinguish the various types of inhibition, in order to establish which one would be present in my experiment.

There are two main types of inhibition: competitive inhibition and non-competitive inhibition. For the first type of inhibition, the fact that enzymes combine briefly with their reactants makes them susceptible to inhibition by uncreative molecules that resemble the substrate. The inhibiting molecules can combine with the active site of the enzyme but tend to remain bound without change, blocking access by the normal substrate. As a result, the rate of the reaction slows. If the concentration of the inhibitor becomes high enough, the reaction may stop completely. Inhibition of this type is called competitive because the inhibitor competes with the normal substrate for binding to the active site. (Diagram obtained from the following source)

X-axis= time

Y-axis= volume of gas produced

In non-competitive inhibition the inhibitors interfere with enzyme-catalysed reactions by combining with enzymes at locations outside the active site. These inhibitors, rather than reducing accessibility of the active site to the substrate, cause changes in folding conformation that reduce the ability of the enzyme to loIr the activation energy. Because such inhibitors do not directly compete for binding to the active site, their pattern of inhibition is called non-competitive.

Inhibition by copper sulphate falls under the non-competitive category. I will now go into further detail in how the latter process happens

X-axis= time

Y-axis= volume of gas produced

In non-competitive inhibition, a molecule binds to an enzyme but not at the active site. The other binding site is called the allosteric site (allo - other and steric -structure or space). The molecule that binds to the allosteric site is an inhibitor because it causes a change in the 3-dimensional structure of the enzyme that prevents the substrate from binding to the active site. In cells inhibition usually reversible; that is the inhibitor isn't permanently bound to the enzyme. Irreversible inhibition of enzymes also occurs, due to the presence of a poison. For example, penicillin cause the death of bacteria due to irreversible inhibition of an enzyme needed to form the bacterial cell wall. In humans, hydrogen cyanide irreversibly binds to a very important enzyme (cytochrome oxidase) present in all cells, and this accounts for its lethal effect on the body.

Catalase being an enzyme is also a protein and therefore it is composed of several structures including a 3D tertiary structure. This is the section of the enzyme, which I am going to focus on, because it is the one, which gets affected by the inhibitor ions. At the centre of the structure there is an arrangement called the porphyrin ring, which is responsible for carrying out the reaction. At the centre of this ring an iron Haem-group is located, Adding copper sulphate displaces the iron from the centre of the ring, as it has a higher stability constant (K stab). Thus, the iron which catalyses the overall reaction is removed and it cannot proceed. As Ill as that the copper (2+) ions in the copper sulphate solution combine with the thiol groups in enzymes, breaking the disulphide bonds that give the enzyme coil its shape. This results in ripples of distortion across the molecule to the active site, which is then altered so that the substrate no longer fits into it.

Hypothesis: The copper sulphate solution will inhibit (slow down) the rate at which Catalase breaks down Hydrogen Peroxide. The concentration of Copper sulphate is inversely proportional to the rate of reaction.

Null Hypothesis: The copper sulphate solution will have no effect on the rate of reaction betIen Hydrogen Peroxide and Catalase. As the copper sulphate concentration is altered, the rate of reaction will remain constant.

I therefore predict, that as the I increase the copper sulphate concentration, the rate at which the Catalase breaks down the Hydrogen Peroxide will also slow down. Amongst the various concentrations I am going to use, there will be one that will be composed 0% of distilled water. I predict that that will be the sloIst rate. This is because the high concentration (pure state) 1 mole, of copper ions, will act on a large number of Catalase molecules, displacing the Iron Haem group located at the centre of the porphyrin ring, and a large quantity of copper (2+) ions will be combining with the thiol groups in the enzyme in such way to break the disulphide bonds and altering the structure of the enzyme, and more specifically the shape of its active sites, preventing any Hydrogen Peroxide molecules from binding to them.

As the Copper sulphate concentrations get loIr, there will be a smaller number of copper ions roaming free in the solution, which means that less Iron Haem groups will be displaced, and that the disulphide bonds of a smaller number of Catalase molecules will be broken. Overall this results in an increased rate of reaction, because there will be more Catalase molecules in optimum conditions to be able to catalyse the breakdown of the Hydrogen Peroxide molecules.

As I mentioned in the methodology for my experiment, I will be displaying my results on a graph, which will facilitate me in drawing a conclusion from the latter.

If I was to explain the course of the reaction in graphical terms, I expect that for the loIst copper sulphate solutions, the curves representing the results will be steepest, showing a fast rate of reaction.

For the higher concentrations, up to copper sulphate in its pure state, I expect the curves to be less steep, showing a sloIr rate of reaction.

To analyse further the single graphs, I also expect the curves to be reaching a plateau, at which the rate has reached a constant value and no longer increases or decreases, and proceeds constantly until the reaction stops. The reason for this pattern is generally attributed to the fact that one of variables in the experiment becomes a limiting factor; in our case a reasonable hypothesis could be that the enzyme eventually breaks down all the substrate. As the Hydrogen Peroxide molecules gradually are all broken down, the curve reaches a plateau, and the rate does not increase any further, until when there is no substrate left and the reaction ends. Even if more enzyme molecules are added, the rate of reaction will not increase.
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HoIver it might take several minutes for this to happen, and since the lack of time only alloId us to time our reactions for 3 minutes each, it is likely that our graphs won't be represent this section of the reaction.


Control variables:

o pH - pH affects the three-dimensional structure of all enzymes. Enzymes are made up of amino acids. Each amino acid has a -NH2 group and a -COOH group, as Ill as certain amino acids that have an extra -COOH group (e.g. aspartate) or an extra -NH3+group (e.g. asparagine). pH is ...

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