The Effect of Starch Solution on the Activity of Amylase

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Violet J. Lule                Biology C/W

The Effect of Starch Solution on the Activity of Amylase

Aim: The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effect of amylase concentration on its activity. The relative activity of amylase is found by noting the time taken for the starch substrate to be broken down (when it no longer gives a blue-black colour when tested with iodine solution.

Hypothesis: I shall be testing to see if there is a link between the effects of starch solution on different concentrations of amylase. My hypothesis is that as the concentration of amylase decreases, the longer it will take for the starch substrate to be broken down. This likely to happen because as enzyme concentration increases so does the rate of reaction because it is more likely for the substrate molecule to collide with the enzyme molecule.


What is amylase? Amylase is an enzyme which is commonly found in saliva and it catalyses the breakdown of starch. When amylase reacts with starch it cuts off the disaccharide maltose (2 glucose molecules linked together). As the reaction progresses, less starch will be present and more sugar (maltose) will be present.¹

Reactions of starch with iodine and amylase: 

  • Iodine reacts with starch to form a dark/brown purple colour.¹
  • Also as amylase breaks down starch, less and less starch will be present and the colour of the solution will become brighter and brighter.¹


  1. I will prepare four different concentrations of amylase solution: undiluted, diluted to a half, diluted to a quarter and diluted to one tenth of the original concentration. The volumes of amylase solution and distilled water I will be using are on this table:

  1. I will then need to set up a water bath at 35oC.

  1. Then I will pipette 5cm³ of undiluted amylase solution into one test tube and 5cm³ of starch solution into another test tube. I will need to stand both test tubes in the water bath and then leave the tubes for several minutes so that they reach the temperature of the water bath.

  1. Afterwards I will mix the amylase and starch solutions together and will then replace the mixture in the water bath and immediately start the stop watch.

  1. At intervals of 1 minute, I will remove a drop of the mixture and test it with the iodine solution on a white tile.

  1. I will then continue the experiment until the mixture fails to give a blue black colour when tested with the iodine solution. This is the achromatic point which I must record.

  1. I will need to repeat this procedure with the other three concentrations of amylase. And again will need to use exactly 5cm³ of enzyme solution and 5cm³ of starch solution each time.
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  1. I will be repeating this experiment again so that I get accurate results.


Risk Assessment/Safety Statement:

Hazards of amylase solution: ²

  • If ingested it may cause vomiting
  • If in contact with eyes it can cause irritation
  • On contact with skin it can cause irritation
  • If inhaled it can cause respiratory problems and even stoppage in breathing

Hazards of starch solution: ³

  • On eye contact it may cause eye irritation
  • On skin contact it may skin irritation
  • If ingested it may cause irritation to the digestive tract
  • If ...

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