The effects of Hydrogen Peroxide concentration on the activity of Potato Catalase

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The effects of Hydrogen Peroxide concentration on the activity of Potato Catalase

Section 1 - Plan


In this experiment, I will be aiming to find what effect the concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide has on the activity of Potato Catalase.

Catalase is an enzyme found in most living organisms. Its main function is catalyzing the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide into water and oxygen. The equation for this is:

The Hydrogen Peroxide is produced as a by-product of aerobic respiration, and is damaging to bodily tissue. To deal with this, the body uses Catalase to break down the poisonous Hydrogen Peroxide into water and oxygen, which are both naturally occurring elements. This type of reaction, in which the substrate is broken down into two or more different products, is called a catabolic reaction.

In this experiment, I will be trying to found out how the concentration of substrate affects the rate of its corresponding enzyme. I will be using Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2, as the substrate and Catalase as the enzyme. Catalase breaks down Hydrogen Peroxide into Oxygen, which can easily be measured as a volume. The activity of Catalase can be measured by finding the rate of oxygen released from Hydrogen Peroxide. Minced potato is a suitable source of Catalase and the pH will be kept at 7.


An enzyme is a substance which speeds up a reaction without getting used up itself. An enzyme works by lowering the activation energy needed for a reaction to take place, supplying an alternate metabolic pathway for the reaction [4]. This process dramatically increases the rate of reaction. Figure 1.1 describes this process in action.


Enzymes are highly specific, and each enzyme has its own set of optimum conditions in which it is most efficient. Factors affecting the rate of reaction in which enzymes are present are:

  • Temperature
  • pH
  • Substrate Concentration
  • Enzyme Concentration
  • The presence of Inhibitors

The reason enzymes are affected by these factors is mainly due to the structure of an enzyme. Enzymes are long chains of amino acids, folded to produce a three-dimensional shape [2]. These folded chains of amino acids are specific to a certain enzyme. The structure of an enzyme can be described by four main structures.

Primary structure

A large number of Amino Acids join together (via peptide bonds) to form a polypeptide chain. From the 20 different kinds of amino acids available to link together, the primary structure is the number, type and sequence of these amino acids within the polypeptide chain sequence [1].

Secondary structure

Polypeptide chains can fold into various shapes. These shapes are referred to as the secondary structure. The two most common secondary structures are an ‘alpha-helix’ coil, and a ‘beta-pleated sheet’. These structures maintain their shape due to hydrogen bonds [2]. These hydrogen bonds form between hydrogen atoms of the NH group of one amino acid, and the oxygen atom of the CO group of an amino acid further down the chain [1].

Tertiary Structure

The tertiary structure of a protein is the overall three-dimensional shape made by the folding of the secondary structure. It is constructed by internal bonds within the polypeptide chain, for example Hydrogen bonding, Disulphide bridges and Ionic bonding [1]. This shape is irregular, but specific to each enzyme.

Quaternary structure

Some proteins have multiple polypeptide chains. The structure of these multiple chains into a functional protein is referred to as the quaternary structure. [1]

The active site of an enzyme is the binding site between enzyme and substrate. The structure of the active site allows for the recognition of the substrate. If an enzyme is subjected to high temperatures or a pH far from its optimum it will become denatured and cease to function. When an enzyme is denatured, the normal bonding patterns within the tertiary structure are disturbed, causing the shape of the protein to change [2]. High temperature causes Hydrogen bonds to break, and extreme acidity or alkalinity affects the charges within amino acid chains, which causes ionic bonds to break [1]. The change in shape of the active site will result in the enzyme being unable to bind to the substrate, causing all reactions to stop.

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Lock and Key Theory

The lock and key theory uses the idea of the enzyme’s active site acting like a lock, and the substrate acting like a key. Like a key binds to a lock, the substrate binds to the active site of an enzyme, forming an enzyme-substrate complex. Like a lock is specific to one shape of key, an enzyme’s active site is specific to one shape of substrate [5]. The substrate enters the active site of the enzyme, in which bonds are either broken or formed. The products then diffuse away, and the enzyme continues ...

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This is a very thorough and very good report in to the effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration on the activity of potato catalase. The introduction is excellent and gives all of the scientific research necessary to understand the report. The method is effective but the writer has fallen into the trap of assuming the reader knows how to make the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. To be repeatable the making of each concentration should be described, usually in a table and referred to in the method. The analysis is too long and many of the graphs are irrelevant to the investigation. The conclusion reached is supported by primary and secondary data and correctly identifies the idea of limiting factors in the rate of the reaction.