The human Genome Project was designed to identify all the approximate 20,000-25,000 genes in human in DNA, determine the seque

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What is the Human Genome Project?

The Human Genome Project was established to identify the genes that make us who we are. It is a worldwide research effort with the goal of analyzing the structure and to identify all the approximate 20,000-25,000 genes of human DNA and determining the location of the estimated 100,000 human genes. The DNA of a set of model organisms will be studied to provide the information necessary for understanding the functioning of the human genome and improve tools for data analysis. However, there also are many ethical and moral issues, which are often overlooked by scientific researchers. The following essay will be looking at the pros and cons of the human genome project.

There are many possible benefits that can be achieved from the Human Genome project such as identifying genes responsible for different diseases and mental illnesses so then they can be prevented such as schizophrenia, breast cancer, or heart disease. There are many goals for the human genome project in the future;

  • Molecular medicine- This is to improve diagnosis of diseases, earlier detection of genetic diseases, rational drug design, along with gene therapy and control systems for drugs. Technology and resources promoted by the Human Genome Project are starting to have great impacts on biomedical research and clinical medicine. Increasingly detailed genome maps have aided researchers seeking genes associated with dozens of genetic conditions, including, inherited colon cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and familial breast cancer.
  • Energy sources and environmental applications- This is the use of microbial genomics research to create new energy sources and develop environmental monitoring techniques to detect pollutants,  
  • Risk assessment- Assess health damage and risks caused by radiation exposure, including low-dose exposures, along with health damage and risks caused by exposure to chemicals and cancer-causing toxins. Also it would help to reduce the likelihood of heritable mutations.
  • Evolution, and human migration- Human genome project will help us to study migration of different population groups based on female genetic inheritance along with mutations on the Y chromosome to trace lineage and migration of males and to compare breakpoints in the evolution of mutations with ages of populations and historical events. Understanding genomics will help us understand human evolution and the common biology we share with all of life. Comparative genomics between humans and other organisms such as mice already has led to similar genes associated with diseases and traits. Further comparative studies will help determine the yet-unknown function of thousands of other genes.
  • DNA forensics (identification)- Identify potential suspects whose DNA may match evidence left at crime scenes, exonerate persons wrongly accused of crimes, identify crime and catastrophe victims, match organ donors with recipients in transplant programs and establish paternity and other family relationships. Any type of organism can be identified by examination of DNA sequences unique to that species.
  • Agriculture, livestock breeding, and bio processing- Understanding plant and animal genomes will allow us to create stronger, more disease-resistant plants and animals --reducing the costs of agriculture and providing consumers with more nutritious, pesticide-free foods. Already growers are using bioengineered seeds to grow insect- and drought-resistant crops that require little or no pesticide. Farmers have been able to increase outputs and reduce waste because their crops and herds are healthier. Alternate uses for crops such as tobacco have been found.
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There is no doubt that information from the Human Genome Project will provide huge benefits to human health with the diagnosis and possible treatment of , like the ones mentioned. However, there are many determents to the human genome project; some people feel that the huge amounts of money being spent on the project could be used to improve the human condition in more effective ways. Furthermore, while the Genome Project promises to improve our understanding of genes and their effects on human health, the research may also generate a number of complex ethical and social implications.

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