The Movement of Substances Across Cell Membranes

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Student: Zoe Wood

Tutor: Len Taylor

The Movement of Substances

Across Cell Membranes

ONCW – Human Physiology, Level 3

Date of Submission: 18th January 2006

The Movement of Substances Across Cell Membranes

All of the living organisms on Earth are divided in pieces called cells. These are small compartments that hold all the biological equipment necessary to keep an organism alive and successful on Earth. The human body is made up of about ten trillion cells. Within each cell there is a network of organells, that all have unique functions. These organelles allow the cell to function properly. They are surrounded by membranes, which separate various activities within the cell.

The nucleus is present in most living cells and controlls the cells activities. It is like the brain of the cell and contains all the cells DNA.  It is the largest organelle surrounded by a nuclear membrane, which has several openings, called pores, for the RNA and proteins to pass through.

Mitochondria provide the energy a cell needs to move, divide, produce secretary products and contract. They are membrane-bound organelles, and like the nucleus have a double membrane. The outer membrane is fairly smooth. But the inner membrane forms folds called cristae. The cristae increase the inner membrane's surface area. It is on these cristae where ATP is produced, which is the primary energy source for the cell. Throughout the cells are vast amounts of membrane called Endoplasmic Reticulum or ER for short. These come in two from, rough ER and smooth ER, The rough ER appears rough due to the presence of ribosomes on the membrane surface. It is important in the transport of proteins and forms the Golgi body.  The ribosomes are small spherical shaped structures which are responsible for assembling the proteins of the cell. Smooth ER on the other hand is important in the synthesis of lipids and membrane proteins. The Golgi body is a stack of flattened membranes that sorts and packages molecules into vesicles used inside the cells or secreted.

Lysosomes are produced in the Golgi body. They are small sacs that contain digestive enzymes, surrounded by a membrane that fuses with the membrane of the food vacuole and squirts the enzymes inside. Another organelle is the microvillus. These are finger-shaped projections of cytoplasm that are supported by microtubules on the outer cell membrane. They increase the surface area, increasing the absorption of molecules through the membrane. They are found in the small intestine and kidney where the absorption of such molecules is most important.

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Membranes are found either on the outside of a cell or within it. The cell surface membrane surrounds the whole cell, separating the cells interior from its surroundings. It acts as a partially permeable barrier allowing very few molecules across it and fencing the majority of the chemicals inside. The membrane was first thought to be just a simple barrier, but with further research it turns out that the cell membrane is very complex and important in a wide range of cells activities and functions. Under an electronic microscope two separate layers can be seen known as the bilipid ...

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