The Origin of the Mitochondrion.

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Sarah Wagg


BI 211

October 21, 2002

The Origin of the Mitochondrion


        Cells of almost all eukaryotic organisms contain mitochondria. These organelles are vital to the process of aerobic respiration, the conversion of organic molecules to energy in the form of ATP.l.  In some cases, there is a single, large mitochondrion, but more often, there are hundreds or thousands in a cell. The number is generally correlated with the metabolic activity of the cell. These and other membrane-bound organelles are not found in prokaryotic cells (those that lack a nucleus), though these more primitive organisms have respiratory membranes that are quite similar to those in mitochondria.  This suggests that the mechanisms are very similar, leading to interest in tracing the evolutionary origins of the modern mitochondrion. In order to accomplish this, this paper focuses on the explanation of mitochondrial origins using molecular, genetic, and evolutionary approaches.  There are very few papers that combine these approaches, often making it difficult to understand and compare the theories of mitochondrial origin.  The following will present a variety of opinions on how endosymbiosis attempts to bridge the gap between the organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and will highlight the evolutionary significance of anaerobic eukaryotes that do not have mitochondria.

Endosymbiotic Theory

The original theory behind the origin of the organelles in a eukaryotic cell involves the infolding and specialization of the cell’s membrane, a process known as direct filiation (Margulis 1981).  This theory is reasonable from an evolutionary standpoint since it is a process involving selection-driven modifications, the basis of evolutionary theories. It does not, however, explain the similarities between mitochondria and free-living bacteria, nor does it account for the large gaps between aerobic and anaerobic organisms appearing in the fossil record (Schwartz and Dayhoff 1978).  A more appropriate explanation of the evolution of eukaryotic cells is the endosymbiotic theory.  First proposed by C. Mereschkowsky in 1905, the endosymbiotic theory was thought to account for the similarities between plastids and cyanobacteria.  He suggested that chloroplasts were once free-living photosynthetic bacteria taken into a larger host cell (Martin et al. 2001).  In 1927, American biologist I.E. Wallin argued that in appearance, behaviour, and response to stains, mitochondria were so similar to bacteria that they must have once been a similar organism, somehow incorporated into the cytoplasm of another cell that became the modern eukaryote (Margulis 1981).  Because of an early lack of solid genetic and molecular evidence, the endosymbiotic theory was given little attention until the 1970s, when American molecular biologist Lynn Margulis explored the subject in great detail and developed the current hypothesis (Margulis 1978 and Margulis 1981).

        “Endosymbiosis” refers to the relationship in which one cell lives inside a larger cell while the two exchange resources such as food, shelter or energy (Cooper 1997).  According to the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria, the organism that became the mitochondrion, the endosymbiont, had the ability to carry out oxidative phosphorylation to obtain energy.  This cell was incorporated into the cytoplasm of a larger anaerobic cell (the host), and was not digested (Becker et al. 2003).  Through various mechanisms the two cells managed to survive together, and evolved to be fully dependent on one another—a mitochondrion cannot survive outside the cell, and a cell with mitochondria cannot survive if they are removed (Margulis 1978).  A question that should be raised at this point is whether or not such an obligate symbiosis between two distinct organisms can be proven.  American microbiologist Kwang Jeon and his colleagues (1997) have developed adequate proof that a symbiosis between the primitive mitochondrion and its host could have been possible.  Working with strains of Amoeba proteus, Jeon introduced a harmful strain of X-bacteria to the cells in the study. Many of the infected amoebas were killed by the infection, but some managed to survive with populations of bacteria still living inside them.  Over time, the surviving infected cells became dependant on their endosymbionts, the once poisonous bacteria.  If Kwang removed the endosymbionts surgically, the amoebas would not survive. He discovered that this was because the infected amoebas would stop producing an enzyme that is vital for survival.  When the symbiosis occurred, the bacteria began to provide the amoebas with the missing enzyme, forcing them to be fully reliant on their endosymbionts for survival, much to the advantage of the bacteria.  Though it does not necessarily comment on mitochondrial origins, this experiment suggests that the endosymbiotic theory is indeed physically possible.  The next step to discovering the origin of the mitochondrion is determining the identities of the free-living symbiont and host, as well as the mechanisms that instigated and maintained the association.

The Endosymbiont

        The original free-living form of the mitochondrion is thought to have been a rod-shaped, Gram-negative aerobic proteobacterium (Becker et al. 2003 and Gray 1996).  As the endosymbiosis is thought to have occurred shortly after oxygen became prevalent in the atmosphere, organisms that could use the newly abundant oxygen in respiration would have a great advantage over those who could not.  Oxidative phosphorylation, the use of oxygen in respiration, generates a significantly larger amount of ATP than fermentation alone. Thus, the purple bacterium would have previously developed the Krebs-cycle enzymes and the cytochrome system necessary for total oxidation of organic compounds, making its energy-harvesting system much more efficient than other organisms of the time (Margulis 1981).

The similarities between mitochondria and bacteria provide startling evidence for the idea that mitochondria were once free-living. Most noticeably, bacteria and mitochondria are approximately the same size (1-10 microns); they have similar shape, and respond in the same way to stains (Sengbusch 2002).  Mitochondria are observed dividing by the bacteria-like binary fission, not by the mitosis of eukaryotes, and divide independently of the host cell (Gooch 2002).  Another similarity is that both bacteria and mitochondria have circular DNA that lacks associated histone proteins, attached to their inner membranes (Fairbanks and Anderson 1999). Each have 70S type ribosomes, as opposed to the 80S ribosomes in eukaryotes, and as a result, antibiotics such as chloramphenicol that kill many bacteria actually affect the protein production of mitochondrial ribosomes (Sengbusch 2002).  The inner membrane of the mitochondrion contains certain lipids that are only found elsewhere in bacterial membranes.  The outer membrane, assumed to have been supplied by the host cell, does not differ from that of other eukaryotic cell membranes (Margulis 1981).  Thus, it is not difficult to accept the concept of a once free-living bacterial “protomitochondrion.”  

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Perhaps a more daunting task is determining which aerobic bacterium was involved in the original symbiosis.  According to Margulis (1981), the most probable ancestor of mitochondria are aerobic bacteria capable of penetrating a host and replicating inside, such as Gram-negative proteobacteria Paracoccus denitrificans.  The basis of this argument is the great similarity in the highly detailed respiratory systems of Paracoccus and the mitochondria of animals and yeast.  The quinones and cytochromes of the electron transport chains, as well as their three-dimensional spatial configuration are so similar that Margulis suggests that P. denitrificans is more similar to mitochondria than any other bacterium (Margulis ...

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