The Physics of an Atomic Bomb

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Nuclear Fission:

Nuclear fission occurs when the nuclei of certain isotopes of very heavy elements, isotopes of uranium and plutonium capture neutrons. The nuclei of these isotopes are just barely stable and the addition of a small amount of energy to one by an outside neutron will cause it to promptly split into two roughly equal pieces, with the release of a great deal of energy (180 MeV of immediately available energy) and several new neutrons (an average of 2.52 for U-235, and 2.95 for Pu-239). If one neutron from each fission is captured and successfully produces fission then a self-sustaining chain reaction is produced. If more than one neutron from each fission triggers another fission, then the number of neutrons and the rate of energy production will increase exponentially with time.

Two conditions must be met before fission can be used to create powerful explosions:

1) The number of neutrons lost to fission (from non-fission producing neutron captures, or escape from the fissionable mass) must be kept low.

 2) The speed with which the chain reaction proceeds must be very fast. A fission bomb is in a race with itself: to successfully fission most of the material in the bomb before it blows itself apart. The degree to which a bomb design succeeds in this race determines its efficiency. A poorly designed or malfunctioning bomb may "fizzle" and release only a tiny fraction of its potential energy.

The nucleus of an atom can interact with a neutron that travels nearby in two basic ways. It can scatter the neutron - deflecting the neutron in a different direction while robbing it of some of its kinetic energy. Or it can capture the neutron, which in turn can affect the nucleus in several ways - absorption and fission being most important here. The probability that a particular nucleus will scatter or capture a neutron is measured by its scattering cross-section and capture cross-section respectively. The overall capture cross-section can be subdivided into other cross-sections - the absorption cross-section and the fission cross-section.

The stability of an atomic nucleus is determined by its binding energy - the amount of energy required to disrupt it. Anytime a neutron or proton is captured by an atomic nucleus, the nucleus rearranges its structure. If energy is released by the rearrangement, the binding energy decreases. If energy is absorbed, the binding energy increases.

The isotopes important for the large scale release of energy through fission are uranium-235 (U-235), plutonium-239 (Pu-239), and uranium-233 (U-233). The binding energy of these three isotopes is so low that when a neutron is captured, the energy released by rearrangement exceeds it. The nucleus is then no longer stable and must either shed the excess energy, or split into two pieces. Since fission occurs regardless of the neutron's kinetic energy (i.e. no extra energy from its motion is needed to disrupt the nucleus), this is called "slow fission".

By contrast, when the abundant isotope uranium-238 captures a neutron it still has a binding energy deficit of 1 MeV after internal rearrangement. If it captures a neutron with a kinetic energy exceeding 1 MeV, then this energy plus the energy released by rearrangement can overcome the binding energy and cause fission. Since a fast neutron with a large kinetic energy is required, this is called "fast fission".

The slow fissionable isotopes have high neutron fission cross-sections for neutrons of all energies, while having low cross-sections for absorption. Fast fissionable isotopes have zero fission cross-sections below a certain point (1 MeV for U-238), but the cross-sections climb quickly above the point. Generally though, slow-fissionable isotopes are more fissionable than fast-fissionable isotopes for neutrons of all energies.

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A general trend among the elements is that the ratio of neutrons to protons in an atomic nucleus increases with the element's atomic number (the number of protons the nucleus contains, which determines which element it is). Heavier elements require relatively more neutrons to stabilize the nucleus. When the nucleus of a heavy element like uranium (atomic number 92) is split the fragments, having lower atomic numbers, will tend to have excess neutrons. These neutrons are shed very rapidly by the excited fragments. More neutrons are produced on average than are consumed in fission.         

Fission is a statistical process. ...

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