The Physics of Windsurfing

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You glide across the surface of the water at unbelievable speeds, steer towards a white capped wave, and then lift off like a bird, each muscle resisting against the force of the wind. Then you smash into the trough of the wave, leap up from near disaster, and look quickly for the next wave so you can do it all over again. This is the exciting sport of windsurfing.


Windsurfing began in the '60s when an aeronautical engineer and a scientist had a discussion. In 1969, the engineer presented an idea entitled "Wind Surfing: A New Concept in Sailing." This new concept involved releasing the mast from its fixed vertical position and allowing it to turn around its base (Now a days the vertical positioning is not fixed) The sailor then can both steer and balance the board through correct movements of the mast and sail. The early Windsurfer boards measured 12 feet (3.5 m) long and weighed 60 pounds (27 kg).


A sailboard is composed of a board and a rig. There is variation in modern sailboards; they generally range from 8 to 12 ft (2 to 4 m) and weigh between 7 to 18 kg; some have attained speeds of over 40 knots


There is lower pressure on the forward part of the sail and a net force perpendicular to the sail. The net force propels the windsurfer, but part of this force is to the side of the sailboard. The dagger board keeps the board from moving sideways. The dagger board extends from the sailboard down into the water. The dagger board not only keeps the board from drifting sideways, but it also a device used to turn the board so that one may steer. You steer by tipping it forward and back.

The sailboard doesn’t move across the water by simple a force of wind that pushes on the sail. The process is related to the lift (the net force caused by different pressures on opposite surfaces of a wing or sail)

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A sail may be seen as a vertical wing. The wind moves faster over the convex (surface that is curved or rounded outwards) Curve of the front part of the sail than it does when it goes straight over the back part of the sail. If the wind hits the front part of the sail then the windsurfer will travel a greater distance.


I have constructed a model to demonstrate the force of lift.


  • two 8 1/2" x 11" sheets of paper
  • ruler
  • transparent tape
  • sharpened pencil
  • 60-cm (24") ...

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This essay is laid out clearly and is written in coherent manor. In addition to this, technical terms are used accurately and there are no real issues with spelling, punctuation or grammar.

The candidate clearly understands what they are discussing, that includes the physics principles that they have mentioned. To be able to apply physics to a topic that you have not covered in class shows a good general understanding of the underlying principles and a dedication to your studies. In addition to this the candidate has clearly undergone independent research and this again shows dedication, plus the extra information included in this essay makes it more interesting to read. Furthermore the candidate uses images to help explain what they are discussing and they have included a model to demonstrate lift, this engages the reader and can help you explain complicated concepts. Unfortunately though, the candidate fails to write an appropriate conclusion, which the leaves the reader unsure of the purpose of the essay. A good conclusion summarises the key points from within the essay and specifies why these are important. It is also a good idea to give a personal response to the topic as your teacher/examiner is interested in what you have to say.

The candidates essay starts off with an engaging introduction, their description of windsurfing is interesting to read and grabs your attention. Though it is clear that this essay is going to be a discussion about windsurfing, there is no title and the introduction leaves you feeling unclear as to what the premise of the essay is, this can be resolved by clearly stating exactly what your plan to discuss. That said the overall response to this topic is very well written and the candidate provides a detailed and in depth account of windsurfing and the physics involved.