The Principles and Limitations of Electron Microscopy.

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 Natasha Prior K10

The Principles and Limitations of Electron Microscopy.

An Electron Microscope is a type of microscope that makes use of a beam of electrons rather than visible light.  Which is due to the fact that the wavelength of electrons is much smaller than the wavelength of visible light, an Electron Microscope not only gives a high magnification but it also has high resolution. This means that details can be seen clearly. An Electron Microscope is very similar to a Light Microscope in the ways in which it works but, instead of using glass lenses to focus a beam of light, it uses magnets to focus a beam of electrons. Electrons are very small, so they are scattered if they hit molecules in the air due to this they must travel through a vacuum. Specimens that are to be examined must be cut into very thin sections, and these must be treated so that they can be examined in these conditions. The variety of chemical processes that are carried out in this preparation may change the appearance considerably. Features which have been introduced in this way are known as artefacts and care needs to be taken in interpreting electron micrographs because of the possible presence of artefacts.

An examination of a specimen using an Electron Microscope can yield the following information:

    Topography:  The surface features of an object or “how it looks”, it’s texture; direct relation between these feature and materials properties, e.g, hardness, reflectivity…etc.

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    Morphology:  The shape and size of the particles making up the object; direct relation between these structures and materials properties e.g, ductility, strength, reactivity…etc.

    Composition:  the elements and compounds that the object is composed of and the relative amounts of them; direct relationship between composition and materials properties e.g, melting point, reactivity, hardness…etc.

    Crystallographic Information:  how the atoms are arranged in the object; direct relation between these arrangements and materials properties e.g, conductivity, electrical properties, strength…etc.

    Electron Microscopes were developed due to the limitations of Light Microscopes.  A good light microscope ...

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At times the layout of this essay is confusing, there is section in which the candidate has suddenly decided to use headings and give information in a bullet point style which is something I would not recommend for this type of work. You should be writing in continual prose as this is the accepted way write a scientific essay. However the candidate does uses appropriate technical terms and there no issues with spelling or grammar.

The candidate has written about the differences between optical and electron microscopes which would be fine if the aim of the essay was to compare the two, however the essay title implies that the purpose of this essay is to discuss the electron microscope, well it is acceptable to mention the optical microscope the candidate wastes time discussing comparisons when it simply isn’t necessary, as it actually detracts from their work rather than adds to it. However I do recommend that you take the time to research your topic, as including additional information shows your interest and dedication and can make your essay more enjoyable to read, just make sure that the information you include is relevant. In this case, it would acceptable to include information on the history of the microscope and how the electron microscope was first developed or perhaps you could give examples in which the electron microscope has aided scientific discoveries. Furthermore this essay ends without any sort of conclusion, this is a common mistake but one that you should avoid. It is necessary to conclude your work as this gives you an opportunity to leave the reader with a good impression. You should summarise your key points and ideas and state why these are important and you should also try to write a personal reflection as your teacher/examiner is interested in what you have to say and this can help draw your essay to an appropriate close.

The candidate goes straight into the essay without any kind of introduction, this is not a sensible idea. You should always take the time to properly introduce your essay, as this is your chance to grab the readers attention and get them interested in what you have to say. You can engage the reader by mentioning a fact or quote that you find interesting, though this will only work if it is relevant to the topic you’re discussing. An introduction should clearly state what you plan to discuss so that the premise of your essay is clear and you should briefly introduce your topic, in this case, you should describe what an electron microscope is and what is used for.