The Use and Operation of the Light and Electron Microscope

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Kim Sills 12F                Biology

The Use and Operation of the Light and Electron Microscope

Light microscopes were first used in the seventeenth century, famously by the scientist Robert Hooke; the man that first named ‘cells’. It was not until the nineteenth century however that microscopy became popular. Before this time, the lenses had not been of high enough quality to view images clearly, in the early nineteenth century improvements were made and the identification of cell structures began.

Problems with resolution then became apparent; a wave length shorter than light needed to be used in order to improve the clarity of image produced; Electron microscopes were developed as a solution; both Ultraviolet light and X-rays have shorter wave lengths but it was found that these were extremely difficult to focus. Electrons, however, are negatively charged particles; this gives the advantage of being able to focus them easily, by use of electromagnets. These electromagnets act in exactly the same way as a lens would on a Light Microscope.

How light microscopes work

In a compound light microscope; a light source is located underneath the stage. The light goes through a condenser lens and through the specimen, the resulting light is then passed through two more lenses, both used to magnify the image and focus towards the ocular. The lenses used indicate the resulting magnification of the specimen. Lenses are used as these refract the light, and although the image is inversed, the image is much larger, as is illustrated below.

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Electron microscopes

There are two main types of Electron Microscope, the first is a transmission electron microscope (TEM) this was the first developed electron microscope and is used to see inside of cells. Only those electrons which pass through the specimen may be seen, which gives the impression of black/white and shades of grey on the finished image.

The Electron source is a pin-shaped cathode, heated to a degree that causes a ray of electrons to be produced. The vacuum that exists inside the microscope then causes the electron ray to enter through the condenser. The condenser ...

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This piece of work is well written and the layout works well, the information is clear and the essay is easy to follow as the candidate first discusses one type of microscope, then the other and then compares the two rather than jumping from one to the other and back again. In addition to this, the candidate has used appropriate terminology and there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes.

It is evident that the candidate has taken the time to research this topic and they have used the information they have found to make their essay more interesting to read, this is great as it keeps the attention of the reader and ensures that they read all of your essay rather then simply scanning through it. It is important to research a topic for a science based essay as this ensure that you get your facts straight but it can also show enthusiasm and dedication towards your subject which is always a good thing. Furthermore, the candidate has stated the resources they have used in a bibliography, this is essential, it shows the steps that you have taken to prepare for your work and that your work is not plagiarised. On another positive note, the candidate has used appropriate images throughout their work to help aid their discussion, this can be useful when you are talking about concepts that are difficult to visualise, as long as you make sure that the images are relevant and that they don’t detract from what your writing. Finally, the candidate has unfortunately not written a conclusion, this is essential and should link together with your introduction which will help draw your essay to an appropriate close. A good introduction summarises key points from your essay with reference to why these points are important as this helps to tie together any loose ends. It is also important to write a personal response in your conclusion, for this type of essay you could discuss what you have learnt in the process of researching and writing about your topic.

Overall this is a good piece of work, the candidate demonstrates a good subject knowledge, the information is clear and the candidate has provided a suitable amount of detail. However, they have not written an introduction, this is a mistake. It is important to write an introduction so that the purpose of your essay is clear to the reader. Your introduction should state what you will cover in your essay. It is sometimes easier to write an introduction when you’ve finished your essay as you will know exactly what you have discussed. Your introduction should also include a few sentences in which you introduce your topic, in this case you could state what a microscope is and what it is used for.