Titration Lab Report

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Titration Curves of Strong and Weak Acids and Bases

Processing the Data:


1. Examine the time data for each of the Trials 1-4. In which trial(s) did the indicator change color at about the same time as the large increase in pH occurred at the equivalence point? In which trial(s) was there a significant difference in these two times?

In all the 4 trials, the time taken for color change and the time taken for a large increase in pH was the same, leaving no significant difference between the two values.

2. Phenolphthalein changes from clear to red at a pH value of about 9. According to your results, with which combination(s) of strong or weak acids and bases can phenolphthalein be used to determine the equivalence point?

The combination of a Strong Acid and Base will give us the equivalence point: there will be a color change of phenolphthalein at pH 9. It is also observed that the reaction between a Weak Acid and Strong Base can be used to obtain a pH of 9.

3. On each of the four printed graphs, draw a horizontal line from a pH value of 9 on the vertical axis to its intersection with the titration curve. In which trial(s) does this line intersect the nearly vertical region of the curve? In which trial(s) does this line miss the nearly vertical region of the curve?

For Trials 1 and 3, the horizontal line from pH 9 intersects the S curve. For Trials 2 and 4, because the equivalence point is lower than pH9, they nearly miss the vertical region of the curve.

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4. Compare your answers to Questions 1 and 3. By examining a titration curve, how can you decide which acid-base indicator to use to find the equivalence point?

After examining S Titration Curves, it is observed that color change is visible around the equivalence point, which can either be seen above or below the point of color change.

5. Methyl red is an acid-base indicator that changes color at a pH value of about 5. From what you learned in this lab, methyl red could be used to determine the equivalence point of what combination of strong or weak acids ...

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Grammar, punctuation and spelling are all fine. Formula are all correct. Not too sure about the type of front used that alters the A, as this would not be the correct format for an exam board.

The analysis of the results by the questions gives a good idea of the theory that has been grasped correctly by the candidate. The evaluation could include more, such as calculating percentage error, and explaining a few more of the errors that may have gone wrong in the experiment. The conclusion is adequate as a picture of the results.

A good piece of coursework for the investigation and level. Not in an essay format but more an outlay of how questions should be answered for a practical exam. The answer to question 1 is adequate and correct. Does not provide the start data, so quite hard sometimes to assess whether or not the answer is right without having prior scientific knowledge. The candidate in question 2 has the theory that a strong acid and base can give a PH of around 9, but the answer of a weak acid and strong base would have been closer to the mark. The graphs are all correctly drawn and the conclusions from them are also correct. The candidate's answers to all the other questions are adequate. Equations are fine, and uses the correct formulae. An introduction explaining the experiment would have been more useful.