Titration of Iron (II) ammonium sulphate

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Titration of Iron (II) ammonium sulphate


To find the concentration of Fe (II) in (NH4)2SO4 Fe SO4.6H2O


  1. A weighing bottle was accurately weighed and approximately 5g of Iron (II) ammonium sulphate was then added to the bottle, after which the total mass of bottle + Iron (II) ammonium sulphate was weighed and recorded. ALL of the crystals were then tipped into a 100cm3 beaker. The bottle was carefully rinsed out 3 or so times with 1 mol dm-3 of sulphuric acid (whilst taking care not to let the acid come into contact with skin as it is irritant), transferring the rinsings to the beaker each time. Care was taken to ensure that all of the crystals were transferred to the beaker.

  1. A further 25cm3 of acid was then added to the beaker but the beaker was not filled to more than half its volume. The acid and solid were then stirred together in the beaker with a glass rod until it was clear that all of the solid was dissolved.

  1. After that step the contents of the beaker were transferred through a small funnel into a 250cm3 volumetric flask. The beaker and glass rod were then rinsed twice with small quantities of dilute sulphuric acid and the washings added to the solution already in the flask. After this the funnel was also rinsed into the flask with a small amount of acid. These two processes ensure that all of the iron compound is transferred to the flask.
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  1. Finally, dilute sulphuric acid was added to the flask until the solution was about 1cm below the graduation mark. Once this was the case, the acid was added slowly from a clean dropping pipette until the bottom of the meniscus of the liquid was just touching the graduation line. The flask was then stoppered and the flask was inverted several times to homogenate the solution.

  1. A pipette and pipette filler were used to withdraw 25cm3 of the solution from the volumetric flask and transferred to a conical flask. (Process 1)

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