To Determine the Focal Length of a Convex Lens.

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To Determine the Focal Length of a Convex Lens.


To determine the relationship between the power of the vocal lens, object and the image distance from the lens.




Convex lens

Lens holder


Optical Bench

12V power supply



* Set up the apparatus as shown in diagram.

* Put the focal lens at the first distance shown on the results. Also put the object at the 0 point of the optical bench.

* Switch the 12V bulb and move the projector until a clear picture of the object is visible.

* Record the results on the results table of the distance from the lens to the projector

* Keep on moving the object to the 6 points shown on the results table and record the distances when object is visible for each measurement
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* I will do the experiment twice for each measurement to ensure that the results are accurate


Making sure that all bags are put under tables will make this experiment safe. Also the work surface will be cleared of all books and other mess, which will mean that the table will be empty and easier to work on. The bulb will be hot so I will make sure that no one touches it or looks directly at it because it will also be very bright.


The distances from the lens to the ...

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