To find out what factors affect the rate of reaction between rennin and milk.

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AimTo find out what factors affect the rate of reaction between rennin and milk. SECTIONS OF THIS REPORT Research Enzymes Enzyme Action Specificity Reversibility Temperature pH Other Factors which could Affect the Rate of an Enzyme Rennin Predictions Temperature pH Concentration of Enzyme Which Variable has the Greatest Relative Effect? Planning Measuring the Rate of Reaction Quantities Plan for Temperature Plan for pH Plan for Concentration of Enzyme Accuracy Results Temperature pH Concentration of Enzyme Conclusions How Temperature Affects the Rate of Rennin How pH Affects the Rate of Rennin How the Concentration of Enzyme Affects the Rate of Rennin Overall Conclusion RESEARCHI know that Rennin is an enzyme, so before conducting this experiment I am first going to do some research into enzymes and their effects. 1. EnzymesEnzymes are large globular molecules of which the vast majority are protein in nature, though some, known as 'ribozymes' are made of RNA. Enzymes have catalytic properties; in other words, they alter the rate of reaction without themselves undergoing a permanent change. Most chemical reactions require an initial input of energy, called activation energy, to enable them to occur. Enzymes reduce the need for activation energy and so allow reactions to take place more readily and at lower temperatures than would otherwise be necessary. This can be seen in the graphs. 2. Enzyme ActionEnzymes, as biological catalysts, can be used in both anabolism (the build up of simple chemicals into complex ones) and catabolism (the breakdown of complex chemicals into simpler ones), although the latter is more common especially in the animal digestive system. As shown in the next diagram it is thought that the substrate molecules fit precisely into the enzyme molecules. This theory is referred to as the lock and key mechanism. However, in practice, it is likely that the enzyme itself to some extent is the substrate. The part of the enzyme molecule into which the substrate fits is called the active site. The configuration of the enzyme is due to ionic bonding, hydrogen bonding, disulphide bridges and hydrophobic interactions. 3. SpecificityThe substrate molecule makes a precise fit into the active site and though the enzyme may be flexible up to a point, the number of molecules which can fit into the active site is very small - in fact it is often limited to just one type. Therefore enzymes are specific to one type of reaction. 4. ReversibilityEnzymes can catalyse the forward and reverse reactions equally. 5. TemperatureAs temperature increases, the molecules, according to the 'Kinetic Theory' move faster, due to increased energy. Therefore, the enzyme and substrate molecules will meet more often and the rate at which the product is formed will increase. However, as the temperature continues to rise the hydrogen and ionic bonds, which hold the enzyme in shape, break and the active site will no longer accommodate the substrate. The enzyme is then said to be denatured - this cannot be reversed. 6. pHEfficient functioning of an enzyme depends upon the shape of its active site. This shape is determined, in part, by ionic and hydrogen bonding - which can be affected by pH. Therefore every enzyme has its optimum pH, when its substrate fits exactly into its active site. Variation of pH will denature the enzyme. 7. Other Factors which could Affect the Rate of an EnzymeInhibitors compete with the substrate for the active sites of enzymes. They are known as competitive inhibitors. The greater the concentration of the substrate the more likely it is to occupy the active sites and the less the effect of the inhibitor. Non-competitive inhibitors attach themselves to the enzyme at a site other than the active site. However, in doing so they alter the shape of the active site in such a way that the substrate cannot fit into it and the enzyme cannot function. As the substrate and inhibitor are not competing for the same site, an increase in substrate concentration does not diminish the effect of the inhibitor. 8. RenninRennin is a proteolytic enzyme and is characteristically found in the gastric juices of young mammals. It is one of only two enzymes (the other being pepsin) to be produced in the stomach. Rennin is secreted in an inactive form, pro-rennin, which is activated by the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice. Rennin catalyses the conversion of the protein of milk, caseinogen, into paracasein, which is precipitated in the stomach as a calcium salt. The precipitated paracasein forms a firm curd in the stomach, which ensures that milk stays for some time in the stomach so that it becomes exposed to the actions of the proteolytic enzymes and the acid in the gastric juice. REFERENCESFor my research, I used 'Letts Study Guide' by Glenn and Susan Toole and 'Biology of the Mammal' by P. Catherine and Arthur G. Clegg. MY INVESTIGATIONThe factors that affect the enzyme rennin which I am going to investigate are: Temperature pH Concentration of enzyme PREDICTIONS9. TemperatureHow will temperature affect the rate at
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which rennin acts on milk? The Kinetic Theory states that with increased temperature, molecules receive more energy, resulting in them speeding up their movement. If the milk and the rennin molecules are moving faster, they will collide more often. The collisions will also have more energy so more of them are successful. Therefore the rate of reaction increases. However, above 37°C, which I believe is rennin's optimum working temperature, because this is body temperature, and rennin is found within the stomach of young mammals; I predict that the rate of reaction will decrease. This is because the rising temperature affects ...

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