To investigate and compare the activity of immobilised enzymes against enzymes free in solution at a range of different concentrations.

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Biology Coursework



To investigate and compare the activity of immobilised enzymes against enzymes free in solution at a range of different concentrations.



C12H22O11, found in the milk of mammals, is a disaccharide composed of one glucose and one galactose molecule joined by a beta 1:4 linkage.

     C12H22O11                                                           C6H12O6 + C6H12O6

       Lactose                                                           glucose      galactose

Draw out structure from sheet


To utilise lactose an organism must posses a specific enzyme (lactase) which catalyses the hydrolysis of lactose into glucose and galactose. To fully utilise lactose a organism must also have a second enzyme which subsequently converts galactose into glucose.

Among adult humans, the ability to digest lactose is actually relatively rare (confined particularly to whites of Northern European ancestry) and lactose intolerance occurs due to an absence of production of the human lactase digestive enzyme which catalyses the hydrolysis of lactose into its constituent monomers.


Enzymes are biological catalysts. A catalyst is a substance, which speeds up a reaction without getting used up itself. Industrial processes use catalysts to speed up production, reducing the need for high temperatures and pressures. The human body temperature is 37C, and without catalysts the reactions would be too slow to sustain life.

         Since there are thousands of different reactions happening in cells, and each requires a specific enzyme, enzymes must be made of a type of chemical which can vary enormously in structure, amino acids.  There are roughly 20 different amino acids, which can be linked in infinite amount of ways. This means that the primary and tertiary structure of enzymes can show the variability needed to achieve specificity, particularly upon the shape of a small part of the enzyme molecule where the enzymes actually come in contact with the substrate molecule, the active site.  This is a small ‘cleft’ on the enzyme surface, where certain amino acid residues are exposed. The substrate molecule fits into the active site and interacts with these amino acids by ionic and hydrogen bonding, forming and enzyme-substrate complex, a reaction occurs and the product leaves the active site, and the enzyme is free to create new enzyme substrate complex’s, it is not used up.  The process is often referred to as the lock and key mechanism, where the precise shape of the active site is important; it must be complimentary to the shape of the substrate.

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 In most metabolic reactions, the substrate must temporarily be provided with energy before it can change into a product, activation energy. Enzymes reduce the activation energy needed to change a substrate into a product, by holding and pulling the substrate slightly out of shape making it easier for bonds to be broken or made within the substrate or with other molecules.

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Lactase and Immobilised enzymes

The enzyme lactase is found, in humans and other mammals, primarily in the intestine, it catalyses the hydrolysis of lactose into D-glucose and D-galactose. Lactase (beta-galactosidase) in addition to working on disaccharides, also acts on longer chain beta-D-galactosides. Commercially it is used for sweetening milk drinks and preparing milk products for lactose-intolerant people.

Enzymes, which are isolated from cells or tissues, are more useful if they are not in solution, but attached or trapped within an insoluble substance. This has several advantages over one’s free in solution:

  • More stable if temperature or pH changes, probably because it is more difficult to change shape
  • Less likely to be degraded by organic solvents
  • Product is uncontaminated by enzyme,
  • Enzymes can easily be retained and reused

This is very important for industrial processes, which often need to use high temperatures, extreme pHs and organic solvents to work effectively and produce a higher yield.  Costs are also minimized, as the enzymes can be extracted and reused.

        There are five basic methods for immobilization:

  • Adsorption (onto a material such as porous glass)
  • Covalent bonding (to a solid e.g. cellulose)
  • Crossing-linking (between enzyme using reagents e.g. glutaraldehyde)
  • Entrapment (within internal structure of a polymer e.g. collagen or alginate)
  • Encapsulation (within a selectively permeable membrane e.g. nylon)

Lactase is immobilized in porous beads and retained in a column, through which the substrate passes through. It is an expensive enzyme, and this method allows it to be retained and re-used, lowering production costs.


I think that as the concentration of the enzyme increases, in both the immobilized and enzymes free in solution so will the rate of the reaction. However, in comparison with each other, the rate of immobilized enzymes will be slower than the enzymes free in solution.

The rate of the reaction should increase as the enzyme concentration increases, as there are more enzyme molecules present, therefore a higher number of collisions should occur with the substrate molecules, so more enzyme-substrate complex’s are formed, and hence the rate increases. The only point that the rate would level off at is if the substrate becomes limited.

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The rate of immobilized enzymes compared to enzymes free in solution, at the same concentration, should be slower. If the enzymes (lactase) are encapsulated in beads of a substance, such as sodium alginate, then the substrate (milk) has to penetrate the beads in order to come in contact with the enzymes, if it cannot, then only the enzymes on the surface of the beads can catalyze it’s conversion into the product.

Preliminary Experiment

 From the trial experiment, I hope to determine:

  • The range of concentrations that I should use for my final ...

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