To Investigate How the Resistance of the Light Dependent Resistor Depends On the Current In the Light Bulb?

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In the experiment, I am going to investigate how the current in the light bulb affects the resistance of the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR).

In this experiment, I am going to vary the resistance in the light bulb circuit in order to vary the current in the light bulb. At the same time, I am going to find out how the resistance of the LDR is affected by the brightness of the light bulb.

In the following stages, I will need this scientific knowledge:

The current in a series circuit is the same everywhere, but in a parallel circuit, the sum of the current in the branches is equal to the current of whole circuit.

The voltage in a parallel circuit is the same everywhere, but in a series circuit, the voltage of each component added together is equal to voltage of the supply.


I predict that:

  1. When the light bulb becomes brighter, the resistance of the LDR decreases.

This is because the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is made of Cadmium Sulphide. This semiconductor (a very poor electrical conductor) has a very high resistance in the dark, but when light is shone on it, its resistance falls. This means that when the light bulb is bright, the resistance of the LDR is low. Otherwise, the resistance of the LDR is high.

When the resistance of the variable resistor R1 decrease in circuit 1, the reading I1 will increase. So the brightness of the light bulb will increase as more current can flow through the circuit when there is less resistance This is because the brightness of the light bulb is dependent on how much energy has been used, which equals power times time. Power is the rate of transfer of electrical energy, it tells you how quickly the energy is used up. The units are measured in Watts (w).

Electrical power is also related to current and resistance, as

Power = Current² * resistance

As the resistance of the light bulb doesn’t change too much (except the temperature of the light bulb may affect the resistance, but we do not really need to take account this in this research), the power is mainly dependent on the current. The formula shows that when the current increases twice, the power increases four times.

When the light becomes brighter, the reading of I2 increases and the reading of V2 decreases. This is because when the light is brighter, the resistance of the LDR decreases, but R2 stays the same, so the resistance in the circuit decreases. As the voltage stays the same here, so the current, which is equal voltage divide by the resistance increases as well.

The reason why V2 decreases is that when the current in the circuit increases, the       voltage of R2 increases as V=IR and R keep the same. And the voltage in the circuit is equal toV2 plus the voltage of R2. The Voltage in the circuit keeps the same and the voltage of R2 increases, so V2 decreases.

  1. I predict that the graph of the resistance of the LDR against to the current of the light bulb will be show below:

This shows when the current of the light bulb increase, the resistance of the LDR decrease. The change of the resistance in LDR is big when the current is small.

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This is because when the current of the light bulb increase twice. The power of the light bulb will increase four times. So the brightness of the light bulb will increase four times as well. The brightness of the light bulb and the resistance of the LDR are in proportional.

So the resistance of the LDR increase four times.

Fair test:

But there are some variables, which can also affect the brightness of the light bulb:

  1. As the reasons show above, the brightness of the light bulb plays the main role in affecting the resistance ...

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