Transportation of respiratory gases

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Transportation of respiratory gases

Transport of oxygen

98% of the oxygen that is transported from the lungs to the requiring tissues travels within our red blood cells, carried by haemoglobin.

Globular protein,

Quaternary structure


Each HAEM group can bind 1 oxygen molecule (O2)

Therefore a haemoglobin molecule can exist in a number of forms:

i. Hb4 0% (saturation)

ii. Hb4O2 25%

iv. Hb404 50%
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v. Hb4O6 75%

vi. Hb4O8 100%

ie. The Hb molecule can combine with a different numbers of O2 molecules.

Oxygen dissociation curve for Hb.


Of Hb


p.O2 ( mm.Hg)

p.O2 =partial pressure of oxygen . mm.Hg = scale Hg= mercury

The graph describes the behaviour of the haemoglobin molecule in the way it binds with oxygen in different environment.

- Haemoglobin in red blood cells is exposed too a high pp of oxygen ( around 100mm of mercury).The graph shows that Hb molecules here ...

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