Trolley and ramp investigation.

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Trolley and ramp investigation


AIM: the aim of this experiment is to find out whether raising the height of a ramp which a trolley travels down is proportional to the speed at which it travels down the ramp.

A trolley is pushed to the top of a ramp, the summit being 10cm (primarily) from the ground, and then is released. It rolls all the way down the ramp, of 2 metres, before it is stopped by somebody’s hand. I thought it would be interesting to record the time taken for the trolley to reach the bottom, and then calculate its average speed. I let the trolley fall down the ramp two more times after that, just to make their results more accurate. I also wanted to investigate if the height of the summit made any difference to the average speed, so I raised the ramp to 10cm and pushed the trolley down the ramp again and recorded the time.

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Based on my existing scientific knowledge, I know that this experiment depends on a certain type of energy being converted into another type. When the trolley is raised to the top of the ramp, it gains a certain amount of potential energy – this is converted into kinetic (movement) energy as the trolley moves down the slope. Too see what factors may affect the way the experiment turns out, it may be useful to look at the formula for potential energy.

P.E = mhg (where m=mass, h=height and g=gravity)

I will be investigating, by varying the height ...

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