Types of diffusion

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Antony Rickhuss

Types of Diffusion and Their uses

     Diffusion is the phenomenon of random motion causing a system to decay towards uniform conditions. Diffusion causes particles to disperse throughout the area it is released in, it can be the diffusion of heat, momentum or concentration. Diffusion usually takes place when there are two mediums of different concentations, in which case diffusion will occur and the two mediums will become isotonic – reaching a state of equilibrium.

     Osmosis is the movement of water across a partially permeable membrane up a concentration gradient which separates the two solutions at different concentrations. In two volumes of water at different concentrations the solutions will each attempt to pass through the semi-permeable membrane but the solution with a lower concentration will only allow water to pass through as the solute molecules are to big to get through. Osmosis will continue to happen until the 2 solutions reach equilibrium and the flow of water molecules from one side equals the flow of water molecules from the other side through the partially permeable membrane, this is also called isotonic.

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     Plants use osmosis to take up water into their roots because they have a large surface area and the water coming through the permeable membrane generates the pressure needed to send the water up the plant to the vital areas.

     Simple diffusion is a process of diffusion which does not require a special protein channel, facilitated diffusion (or facilitated transport) is a process of diffusion, a form of passive transport, where molecules diffuse across membranes, with the assistance of transport proteins. Ionic diffusion is the diffusion through ion channels.

Uses of Diffusion


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Spelling okay most of the time, alveoli and blood spelt wrong. Punctuation good. Grammar is okay most of the time, but in some parts the wording order or the use of words makes the meaning overcomplicated or unclear.

Level of analysis is good for this level, but could define the different factors affecting diffusion more clearly, for example the diffusion distance, and the concept of moving from a high to low concentration gradient. Misses out active transport and secondary active transport which is another vital method of diffusion. Could also explain the concept of uptake by osmosis in the roots of plants a bit clearer. Uses of diffusion attempts some good examples, but the concept of exchange of CO2 and O2 in the alveoli again could be explained a bit clearer. The different types of diffusion listed are obviously copied and pasted from somewhere with non relevance to biology or the different types of diffusion and their uses explained. No adequate conclusion and random use of Fick's law.

Overall okay as a means of explaining some of the aspects and uses of diffusion, but not brilliant. The introduction is quite complicated in the wording, so could be worded slightly simpler with more flow to be a little be clearer to the reader. Explanation of osmosis is good, but the candidate could have expanded on the meanings of hypertonic and hypotonic and explored these. Sometimes the explanations are not the clearest as the wording can be slightly awkward in places. Main body of the text is okay in most places, but I would like to see the science explained more and the different factors set out clearer. No conclusion. Some sections of text randomly attached with no explanation to their meaning or relevance.