Use the following terms correctly in describing the forces and elements of a roller coaster.

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4. Use the following terms correctly in describing the forces and elements of a roller coaster. (Underline the terms in your description)

        -Gravity                        -G-forces

        -Potential Energy                -Kinetic Energy

        -Centripetal Force                -Centrifugal Force

        -Acceleration                -Friction

        How many people have been on a roller coaster before? You have, I have, almost everybody has! However, have you ever considered why your cart doesn’t fall off the track while you’re on that giant loop? And why do you sometimes feel like lead and other times a feather? Despite what you may think, it is not magic or any miracle. There are many different forces and elements that are involved in a roller coaster that explain why things are the way they are on these thrilling rides.

        One of the main elements in roller coasters is energy. There are actually two specific types of energy involved: potential and kinetic. A roller coaster cart has a large quantity of potential energy at the top of a hill. Potential energy, which is stored energy that depends on the mass and height of the object, is high at the top of the hill because the cart is very high off the ground. As the cart descends down the drop, it loses potential energy in accordance with height. However, the cart subsequently gains kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion that depends on the mass and speed of the object. So in other words, the potential energy that was stored is released as kinetic energy, which increases with speed, and also takes you down the hill. Say there is another hill after the first. The kinetic energy would propel the cart up the hill, building up potential energy. Then the previous events would repeat themselves.

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        So we’ve figured out what energies cause what in a roller coaster. However, in addition to energy, forces are a huge factor in roller coasters. One of the most important forces in a roller coaster is gravity, which is an attractive force that exists between all objects that have mass, such as roller coasters. Earth exerts a gravitational force that causes objects to be pulled towards the ground. Therefore, gravity applies a constant downward force on a roller coaster cart. When there is a downward slope on a roller coaster, gravity is pulling the cart towards the ground, causing acceleration. ...

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