viscosity of golden syrup

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An Investigation to Measure the Viscosity of Golden Syrup.

Aim: - the aim of my investigation is to measure the viscosity of golden syrup and see if this value depends upon the temperature of the syrup.

Apparatus not included in diagram: - micrometer, 5 ball bearings as provided by the school, stop clock, magnet, marker pen, metre rule, weighing scales, thermometer, water bath. (The measuring cylinder is 50 cm3)

Certain aspects have to be taken into account to ensure that the experiment is carried out safely. These are: -

  • If heating the syrup, be careful not to burn yourself on hot equipment.
  • Goggles should be worn to prevent syrup from entering the eye.

Variables that need to be considered are:- the size of the ball bearing to be dropped, the temperature of the syrup, the amount of syrup used, the length that the distance travelled is measured over, the depth beneath the top that the speed and distance are measured from, the type of syrup used and the density of the syrup.

I have decided to change the size of the ball bearing to see how this effects viscosity and a further study will be done changing the temperature of the syrup. The differing size ball bearings will be dropped at a constant temperature. To make this a fair test I will have to keep all other variables the same. To do this I will:-

  • Keep the amount of syrup used, the type of syrup (golden) used and the measuring cylinder that it is in the same.
  •  Mark the measuring cylinder so that I can measure time and distance from the same set values to the same end point.
  • Leave a set distance at the top of the syrup to allow the ball bearing to accelerate to a constant speed.

To measure the viscosity of golden syrup I will need to measure the radius of the ball bearing as this can be used in the formula 4/3 Πr3   multiplying it by gravity and then the density of steel to calculate the weight of the ball bearing and calculate the downward force on the object. This came about as m=ρV and W=mg. Substituting in W= ρVg. The volume of a sphere = 4/3Πr3. Substituting in again, W=4/3Πr3ρsteelg. 

r= radius of sphere (m)

ρsteel=density of steel (7.8 g/cm3)  

g=gravity (9.81m/s2)

However, there is more than this acting on the ball bearing. Viscous drag is a force opposing the weight of the object and this is calculated by using Stokes’ law. F=6ΠrηV.

F=viscous drag (N)

r=radius of sphere (m)

η=coefficient of viscosity (Ns/m2)

V=velocity (m/s)

Also, in an upwards direction is upthrust. This is calculated by the amount of the material displaced. As this is spherical (the ball bearing) this can be calculated by the formula W=mg. As m=ρV and V=4/3Πr3 upthrust can be written as 4/3Πr3ρsyrupg.

Putting all of these formulas in the same equation, depending on which direction they are acting you get to the equation: -


4/3Πr3ρsteelg = 6ΠrηV + 4/3Πr3ρsyrupg

This is quite a lengthy equation and can be cancelled down to: -

  4/3r2ρsteelg = 6ηV + 4/3r2ρsyrupg

This can be used to plot a graph.

To analyse my results I will plot a scatter graphs for each temperature plotting velocity against the radius squared.

This can be shown by the equation calculated earlier: -

4/3r2ρsteelg = 6ηV + 4/3r2ρsyrupg

Rearranging you get 6ηV= 4/3r2ρsteelg - 4/3r2ρsyrupg

Then put in the form y=mx + c

                        V = 4g/18η steel - ρsyrup) r2

                        Y =        m            x  +c


m= 4g/18η steel - ρsyrup)

x= r2

The gradient of the line of best fit can then be used to calculate the viscosity of syrup.

So, I will have to take measurements of the radius of the ball bearings, the density of syrup using ρ=m/V and the velocity of the ball bearing. The density of the syrup can be found by putting a set volume of syrup (50cm3) in a pre-massed measuring cylinder and then re-massing the cylinder with syrup after. The change in mass will give the mass of the syrup. The density will vary at different temperatures so will have to be measured at each temperature. These can be used to calculate the density. The density of steel is 7850 kgm-3. The velocity can be found by speed = distance/time. So I will need to measure the time it takes the ball bearing to travel 10 cm down the measuring cylinder.

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I will use five ball bearings ranging from 900 x10-5 in diameter to 150 x10-5 in diameter and at 20°C and then at 30°C and 40°C. I will repeat the experiment 3 times which means my results will be more reliable.


  1. Arrange apparatus as shown in diagram
  2. Measure the distance between the two pen lines.
  3. Measure the density of the syrup using the.
  4. Drop the largest 9.00 x10-5 ball bearing into the syrup.
  5. When it passes the upper line start the stop clock.
  6. When it passes the lower line stop the stop clock.
  7. Write down the ...

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This is a 4-5 star piece of work. It has an excellent plan and lots of detail. The results are excellent and the calculations are very detailed considering all possible sources of error and calculating error as well. Overall lots of detail and scientific understanding displayed here but I feel parts of it could be clearer. It would be good to see worked calculations in some examples to show clearly steps of the process because there is a lot going on in this experiment. Overall very good work.