Viscosity of Polymer Solutions

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Clare Mawdsley

Viscosity of Polymer Solutions


By experiment, it was found that the approximate size of a polymer molecule in solution was that of a radius of 9.77×10ˉ ± 0.60×10ˉm. The polymer used was Polyethylene Oxides, or PEO.  This value was obtained by measuring the time taken or a sphere to fall a known distance, within a polymer solution of known concentration.  From this result, using theory, it was concluded that the conformation of the polymer molecule in solution was that of a loose, irregular coil.  

The experiment also verified Einstein’s 1908 law linking viscosity of a fluid containing a dispersion of small solid spheres, for dilute solutions,

                                η = η。( 1 + k c )

by plotting a graph of ln(viscosity) against ln(concentration).

The law linking viscosity to concentration for larger concentrations,

                                η = b c

was also verified using the same graph. Both graphs were straight lines that crossed at the point where all the polymer molecules in the solution were just touching. This point was used to determine the radius of the molecules


The aims of the experiment were:

  1. To obtain a value for the size of a single polymer molecule in solution and to therefore deduce its conformation.
  2. To show and measure the dependence of polymer solution viscosity on concentration.

Viscosity is the property of a fluid that causes a drag force when a solid moves through the fluid.

Stoke’s law gives F = 6 π ηrv  where:

η = viscosity

F = drag force

r = radius of solid sphere moving through solution

v = velocity of sphere

Stoke’s law is valid for small velocities where turbulence is negligible. It shows that viscosity is inversely proportional to velocity and therefore proportional to time.

The polymer used in this experiment is Polyethylene Oxide, PEO. PEO has a relative molecular mass of 4 000 000 and each monomer unit has formula

Einstein’s Law relates viscosity to concentration:

                                η = η。( 1 + k c )        where:

η = viscosity

η。= viscosity of fluid, in this case water

c = concentration of spheres

k = constant

This law will only hold for dilute solutions. When the spheres reach a critical concentration, they begin to overlap and become entangled with one another, and this law will no longer apply.

When Einstein’s law breaks down at the critical concentration, the viscosity will then obey the law:                        η = b c        where:

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η = viscosity

c = concentration of spheres

b = constant

exponent γ is greater than 1

The point where these two laws crossover is the point we try to determine in this experiment.  At this critical point, all of the polymer molecules are touching and therefore, the size of the individual polymer molecules can be determined.  The radius of a polymer molecule can be calculated when concentration, viscosity, volume and relative molecular mass are known, using the equation V = 4 π r³ where V = volume and r =


radius for a sphere.

To deduce ...

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