Vitamin C. I will investigate whether orange juice contains the most Vitamin C and how I can speed up and slow down the oxidation process of Ascorbic Acid.

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Sam Hennessy The Sixth Form College, Colchester. Chemistry

Vitamin C in Fruit Juices


Ascorbic Acid, or more commonly known as Vitamin C, is a monosaccharide that has a five-membraned unsaturated ring with two hydroxyl groups attached to doubly bonded carbons. This feature means that Ascorbic Acid is readily oxidised to dehydroascorbic acid. This reaction is called oxidation because the Ascorbic Acid is loosing electrons. Ascorbic Acid deficiency leads to scurvy, a disease that shows weakness, small hemorrhages throughout the body that cause gums and skin to bleed, and loosening of the teeth. Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant, and plays a vital role in protecting the body. The body absorbs extra vitamin C in response to an infection. Because it is a water soluble vitamin, any unused vitamin C is excreted. The minimum daily requirement is 30 mg; the recommended daily allowance is 60-70 mg.

C6H8O6 + C12H7NCl2O2 ----------> C6H6O6 + C12H9NCl2O2

The electrons lost from Ascorbic acid will be used to reduce one of my indicators Dichlorophenolindophenol(DCPIP), to DCPIPH and then to DCPIPH2.

DCPIP (blue) + H+ ----------> DCPIPH (pink)

DCPIPH (pink) + Vit C ----------> DCPIPH2 (colorless)

However I will also be using Iodine as an indicator to see if it is a better one than DCPIP. DCPIP oxidises very easily and therefore it will take more DCPIP to oxidise vitamin C because it is already oxidizing. DCPIP is an oxidizing agent so it will reduce something else e.g. the Ascorbic acid.

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The amount of ascorbic acid can be determined by a redox titration with a standardised solution of iodine. The iodine is reduced by the ascorbic acid to form iodide. As shown in the other half of this redox equation.

  1. -1

Oxidation States

From AS Level, I know that all elements oxidation state is 0. Whatever the charge after the element that is their charge. (In this case iodide’s charge is -1). As we can see from the above equation, elements that are oxidised increase their oxidation state and elements that are reduced decrease their oxidation state that is ...

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