What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of A Light And Electron Microscope?

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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of A Light And Electron Microscope?

The naked eyes are not powerful enough to see any type of ultra structure, such as a living or dead cell and its components. So, to further scientific stuffy the microscope invented; the light microscope.

The light microscope, relatively small and light weight to the electron microscope, is the earlier discover of both types of microscopes, which I am going to discuss today.

As with everything it has its advantages as well as its

disadvantages. This certain microscope can magnify any sample up to 2000 times its original size. This is useful for scientists because if the species were alive you can monitor movement of the cell. The magnification allows the cell structures to be observed too. The magnification means that it gets bigger, so when you focus the knob it becomes larger.

Furthermore, the light microscope produce an image which are I colour. When I stained a specimen on my slide for microscopy, I saw the colours which were very vivid. They are also easier to use. Also it is comparatively cheaper than the second microscope up for discussion- the electron microscope.

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As the light microscope was made very early on, as mentioned once before, it does have a lot of limitations due to that age.

The only and maybe the most significant problem is its inability to show the finer details of any specimen. The light microscope obviously uses light and a type of refraction of it, to show the magnified specimen. However no matter hoe much you magnify the sample it does not increase in the level of detail. This is due tot the resolution which stubbornly does not change.

From this point forward we must ask ourselves; what is ...

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There was a typo in the work. This shows the lack of proof reading at the basic level as the word processor should pick this up automatically. The appropriate technical terms were used but the student needs to show a proper understanding of such terms by either defining them in a glossary or explaining them in the body of the work. The student follows the typical layout of the work, although they do not follow the typical presentation of the work. The colours are not best suited to a piece of coursework like this.

The student's analysis is poor for A level. They do not explore deeply enough into the reasons behind how the microscopes work by explaining it using fundamental physics that they have learned from the syllabus. Their judgements, however, were suitable and the relevant evidence was used to support it even if it was not supported by detailed evidence. To improve, they need to go back and explain why - re-reading over their work they will find that there were many areas where the question of "why?" or "and?" arose. Such questions should not occur if a piece of work answers the question fully.

The comparison of advantages and disadvantages is done very well but the level of detail is lacking. The student simply tends to state the advantages and disadvantages and for A level, I believe they should have explored deeper into the reasons behind it. Why is the microscope limited in the way that it is? How does it work on a fundamental level? I think such questions are key to answering the question fully and appropriately for this level. Their response is very clearly written but not necessarily clearly presented. I feel light blue is not the best colour to use for a piece of work like this.