Why are researchers and scientists so interested in cloning?

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Science and cloning.

Why are researchers and scientists so interested in cloning?

The main view on cloning is that it is morally wrong and it is interfering with the very thing that has made life possible, although the reasons behind wanting to clone such large animals as sheep is not just to make a copy. Scientists claim that cloning an animal would be directly connected to there work aimed at producing medicines in the milk of animals. Researchers have actually managed to transfer human genes that produce useful proteins into large animals like sheep and cows, so that they also produce these useful proteins. Scientists claim that if an animal has these human genes then they can treat conditions like hemophilia and cystic fibrosis as well as other lung conditions. Although the process used to transfer these genes is very hit and miss. A new more precise way of transferring these genes needs to be found, if the scientists could find a more precise method the they would be able to create some genetically engineered sheep that would then reproduce eventually making a whole flock of genetically engineered animals all producing medicines in they’re milk.

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Scientists are also interested in cloning because of its use in the development of animal organs for transplant into humans (xenotransplantation). Adding the knowledge they already have they would be able to clone pigs (achieved for the first time in march 2000) they would also have a reliable supply of donor organs.

The cloning of animals could also lead to a further understanding of the development of the embryo and aging. As well as the protection of rare and endangered species.

Dolly the sheep.

Dolly the sheep may be the worlds most famous clone but surprisingly ...

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