Analyse explanations of crime and deviance and explain the importance of social order and social control

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Unit Title: Crime and Deviance                                                                          Kayleigh Giles-Johnson

Analyse explanations of crime and deviance and explain the importance of social order and social control

In this essay we will be looking at the topic of crime and deviance, firstly defining what the two terms mean and looking at the difference between them, before analysing the importance of social order and social control. We will then look at why crime and deviance can occur even in a socially ordered society, analysing theories from different sociological perspectives in order to explain this.

By definition, crime is behaviour that breaks the laws of a society, whilst deviance is behaviour that differs from the norms and values of a particular group or society (Swale J, 2007, p.131). Whilst crime is commonly deviant behaviour, deviant behaviour itself does not always include criminal activity. For example, robbing a bank is both criminal and deviant; however wearing a pair of knickers on your head is deviant but not necessarily a crime.

Generally, most people do not take part in deviant or criminal behaviour for fear of being seen as abnormal or indecent by their society. Travis Hirschi’s Social Bonds Theory (1969), explains how the formation of attachment to family, friends and society in general can prevent deviant behaviour. The four basic elements of social bond theory are attachment, commitment, involvement in conventional versus deviant or criminal activities, and lastly the common value system within an individual’s society or subgroup. Attachment is described as the level of values and or norms that an individual holds in society ( A securely attached person is more likely to understand the concept of respect and more likely to foster traits such as empathy. The understanding and implementation of respect and empathy is a social control that discourages disrespectful deviant behaviour such as vandalism, harassment, or behaviour which could be harmful to others.

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Social control is means to ensure we live in a socially ordered society. The influence of family and friends is known as informal social control, which teaches us to behave in a way that we have perceived to be normal by the people around us. This includes belonging to some form of society or community, for example religion, educational institutions or employment. This fosters a sense of social responsibility as well as duty and honour, giving a reason to conform to socially accepted norms and values. Formal social control is enforced by authorities such as Parliament, who pass laws to determine what ...

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