Assess the contribution of Functionalism to our understanding of Families and Households.

Assess the Contribution of Functionalism to our understanding of Families and House holds
According to Functionalists the family is key to our society and is made up of different parts that all depend on each other, so it meets all the expectations of society. Functionalists believe that the nuclear family ‘fits’ and supports society because it is geographically mobile and allows people to move around the country to find work, This suits our current economy.
Murdock feels that the family provide, stable satisfaction of sex drive, reproduction of the next generation, Socialization of the young and finally Murdock thought meeting its member’s economic needs was crucial, such as food and shelter. Murdock strongly felt that the nuclear family performs these functions, although other sociologists agreed that most of these are important functions, they argued that they could be performed by other institutions not just nuclear families.
According to Functionalists the family is key to our society and is made up of different parts that all depend on each other, so it meets all the expectations of society. Functionalists believe that the nuclear family ‘fits’ and supports society because it is geographically mobile and allows people to move around the country to find work, This suits our current economy.
Murdock feels that the family provide, stable satisfaction of sex drive, reproduction of the next generation, Socialization of the young and finally Murdock thought meeting its member’s economic needs was crucial, such as food and shelter. Murdock strongly felt that the nuclear family performs these functions, although other sociologists agreed that most of these are important functions, they argued that they could be performed by other institutions not just nuclear families.