Assess the view that sociology can and should model itself on the natural sciences

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Sociology is defined as a social science, however the status as a science is questionable when compared to natural sciences such as physics and chemistry. If sociology should and can be a science depends pretty much on the definition of science and how it links together. Many sociologists disagree and take a different point of view of how sociology should be seen.                                                 So in this essay I am going to assess the view that sociology can and should be model itself on the natural sciences.

The question arose as part of the "Englightment Project" in the 18th century, as the belief in science over religion became more important. Science was seen as a provider of true and objective knowledge about the world, which could be used for progress . So the early modernist sociologists thought the same scientific principles could be applied to the understanding and betterment of society.

Positivists believe that it is possible and desirable to apply the logic and methods of the natural sciences to the study of society. Society, is like the nature, an objective factual reality ; it is a "real" thing made up of social facts that exists "out there", independently of individuals. They seek to discover the causes of patterns they observe to produce general statements or scientific laws, like natural scientists do. In order to do this, they use objective quantitative research, meaning value-free and number based data. They make up a hypothesis and test it in systematic and controlled ways, like in experiments. So these methods produce reliable data that can be checked by other researchers, which is one of the most important features in science.

In the natural sciences, it is claimed that scientists values and opinions make no difference to the outcome of their research. However, positivists know that in sociology they are dealing with humans and therefore there is a danger that the researcher may 'contaminate' the research. Positivists thus use quantitative methods which allow maximum objectivity, like experiments, questionnaires and structured interviews.

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Interpretivist sociologists however do not believe that sociology should model itself on the natural sciences. They critcise positivists scientific approach as inadequate or even as completely unsuited to the study of human beings.

Interpretivists argue that the matter of sociology is meaningful social actions and we can only understand it by successfully interpreting the meanings and motives of the persons involved. In their view, sociology is not a science, because science only deals with laws of cause and effect, and not human meanings. They differentiate themselves of science by saying, that natural sciences have no consciousness about the behaviour of ...

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