Assess the view that the nuclear family is no longer the norm

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Naomi Timpson 12/5


Assess the view that the nuclear family is no longer the norm (24 Marks)

A nuclear family consists of two married parents and their own children. This family type became very popular after industrialisation as, according to Talcott Parsons, people had to become geographically mobile. For many years, the majority of families have been nuclear with just a small minority of step-, single-parent-, same-sex couple- and reconstituted families. But has the majority become the minority. Is the nuclear family no longer the norm?

Functionalist sociologists believe that the nuclear family fits in to the fixed structure of society and performs essential functions, making it the ‘best’ type of family. Because of this ability to perform essential functions, they say that it is possible to generalize and call the nuclear family the ‘norm’, stating that other family types (such as lone-parent or reconstituted families), are abnormal and deviant as they are less suitable to perform the essential functions. Talcott Parsons talked about a ‘functional fit’ between modern society and the nuclear family saying that it was uniquely suited to meeting society’s needs for a geographically and socially mobile workforce and the ‘irreducible functions’, socialising children and stabilising children, vital to the overall stability and effectiveness of society.

        New Right sociologists are more radical in their views on family diversity; they state that there is only one correct family type. They define this conventional family as a married couple, with a breadwinning husband and homemaking wife, based on what they believe are fundamental biological differences. They are very disapproving of any other family type and believe that they are the cause of many of today’s social problems. Patrick Jenkin,  a Conservative politician, doesn’t think that women have a right to go out to work as men do, saying that “If the good Lord had intended us to have equal rights to go out to work, he would not have created men and women.” They also believe marriage is essential basis or creating a stable environment for children an d that cohabitation and divorce create family instability because they allow adults to avoid commitment and responsibilities, giving children a bad example.

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Postmodernists, like Tamara Hareven, criticize the modernist idea that there is a dominant family type. They say that this structural app roach ignores two key facts: that, as individuals, we make our own choices about relationships and that family diversity has increased so much that there is no longer a single ‘best’ family type. Hareven uses an approach called life course analysis to focus on individual family members, the choices they make and how they make them. This is based on the increased flexibility and variation in relationships and family types – in both choices made and the timing or ...

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