Yet, Corporal Punishment is an act, which may promote violence in the child’s behavior as they may believe that brutality is the key to getting a message across and understood. It is way of continuing, and encouraging, child abuse as children will grow up to believe that it is okay to strike someone smaller and weaker than himself or herself. It may also cause tension, ruthlessness and anger between the teacher’s and students, which will cause an unhealthy learning environment. This is improper and can affect a child’s future as they may have had a troubled school life, which made them unable to learn and therefore, made them less able to get a high-quality job. Also, maltreatment at school could cause a child to avoid going to school. This could affect a child as they are unable to learn and will therefore be less able to get a proficient job, the child will not interact with other children and may, therefore, have communicational problems and the child may damage their own health to avoid attending school.
On the other hand, Corporal Punishment could give teachers the belief that they have more power and authority over children and will therefore, give the teachers confidence to teach the children to the best of their ability. And some parent’s arte unable to control their child’s behavior so if Corporal Punishment was introduced into all school’s these disregarded children will learn discipline and may even gain respect and love for education and their teacher.
Yet, it should be a parent’s job to discipline their child and different parents have different ways. Corporal Punishment may interfere with the teaching process of parent’s to obedient their children. Furthermore, teachers should not be like parental figures to children as they work to teach not to discipline.
I was recently stunned to discover that corporal punishment in schools is legal in 23 U.S. states, and that 26 percent of Americans believe that elementary school teachers should be allowed to spank their students. This is quite a shocking percentage but it is people’s opinion. But just 26 percent say grade-school teachers should be allowed to spank kids at school; 72 percent say it shouldn't be permitted, including eight in 10 parents of grade-schoolers. Indeed, even among adults who spank their own child, 67 percent say grade-school teachers should not be permitted to spank children at school. This ties in with the point about Corporal Punishment affecting parental teaching methods and that teachers are there to teach children, not to discipline them. Corporal punishment means that the teachers used the paddle 52,157 times in 2001-2002, in the United States alone. Nearly 1 in 5 school districts reported statistically significant disparities in the use of corporal punishment among African Americans and Special Education students. The 25,825 children hit by their teachers last year were 1,825 fewer than 2000-2001 yet that is still an alarmingly large amount.
In conclusion, I believe that Corporal Punishment, though justified in someway, has too many bad affects to be used on children. I think it is unneeded violence which tries to resolve a situation which can be settled in less aggressive manner.