'Examine developments in biological research into criminality and discuss whether our scientific understanding is sufficiently advanced to permit the safe use of these ideas in society today.'

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Criminology Essay


Examine developments in biological research into criminality and discuss whether our scientific understanding is sufficiently advanced to permit the safe use of these ideas in society today

Name: Louise Marshall

Matriculation Number: 03001693

Programme of Study: Business Studies F/T        

Louise Marshall 03001693

‘Examine developments in biological research into criminality and discuss whether our scientific understanding is sufficiently advanced to permit the safe use of these ideas in society today.’

Criminology is the study of human behaviour, especially abnormal behaviour. The main people that researched criminal behaviour in terms of the biological approach were, Lombroso, Lamark and Darwin. Darwin believed of evolutionism in the case that animals are the same as humans and behaved in a similar way, and he believed that humans were evolved from animals as did Lombroso. Lamark believed differently, he believed in the non Darwinian form of evolution where traits learned by one generation are passed onto the next through hereditary. Behavioural characteristics are more complex to study than the appearances of criminals but are still able to be managed, manipulated and observed. The phenotype of an individual that criminologists want to study and observe include aggressiveness, impulsivity, attention and other cognitive deficits.

People believed that those identified as being a ‘criminal’ had some sort of physical or biological characteristics that differed from those ‘non criminals’. This can make them look inferior to others therefore will look very distinctive and easy to distinguish if they are criminals or not. This socially unacceptable, people who may look different may get classed as criminals even if they are not, it can also mean that they will get isolated in the environment even if they are not criminals. According to Havelock Ellis there is a law in medieval England which stated ‘if two persons fell under suspicion for a crime, the uglier or more deformed was to be regarded as more probably guilty than the other one. This is unfair. Who can help it for the way they look? Its not there fault they look that way. This is not a safe scientific understanding because people can be mistaken as criminals.

Lombroso viewed criminals as suffering from a depravity, to conclude this he experimented with brains of the dead. He listed physical characteristics which included asymmetrical face, ‘funny’ ears, a flattened face, fleshy lips, receding chin, long arms and too many fingers or toes (commonly known today as polydactyl). Any of these characteristics do make a person look distinctive and not normal. So why think they are criminals? He concluded this research with a study done on Italian criminals, he studied three hundred and eight three of them and discovered that twenty one percent of them had one such listed characteristic, forty three percent had five or more of these characteristics. This made him to conclude his findings that criminals do have a distinct physical type.

        Charles Goring attempted to debate Lombroso’s conclusions where he did a more sophisticated study of over three thousand prisoners and a large group of non criminals which consisted of Cambridge and Oxford undergraduates. In this study he concluded that criminals have no physical type, only that the criminals were two inches shorter than the non criminals and seven to ten pound lighter in weight as well.

        Ernst Kretschmer 1921 researched the physical type into more detail, he put the individual into four physical types – not just body types, but it is all related to the individuals mind as well. The four types he outlined were Asthenic, athletic, pyknic and dysplastic. The asthenic type he thought that they had a long body and not much weight, they were ‘skinny’. The athletic were known to have a well proportioned body; pyknic had a large trunk and short legs – a 'stalk' type. Dysplastic is just a basic abnormal body. With each type he outlined different temperaments, the athletic types were known to commit crimes of a violent nature, asthenic types were known to do petty theft and the pyknic was involved in fraud. The relationship between these are quite obvious, the individuals who commit the crimes of violent nature are the athletic types this is because they are able to run away from crime, able to do so meaning they can and able to commit more outrageous crimes of a violent nature. The asthenic types committed petty theft this was because they were unable to run quite as fast, and were not into being energetic. Pyknic were into fraud because they were small and rounded so pyknic are not very athletic so are unable to run away from crimes or try not to get caught in terms of police raids. These types of criminals are often known as the occasional criminals according to Ernst Ktreschmer.

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        The study done by Ernst Kretschmer is closely linked to the study done by William Sheldon. He also studied body types in relation to criminals; he later tried to link criminal behaviour with physical characteristics – correlation between body build and temperament. He applied his theory to a sample of offenders. He divided the physical type into three; these consisted of endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic. Endomorphic individuals are known to be extroverts with a short fat rounded body. Mesomorphic were the ‘normal’ individuals who were well proportioned, muscular and very active, they were known also to be dynamic and ...

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