Is crime purely genetic?

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Evidently speaking, where biology is concerned we only need to go as far as our textbooks from school to see how genes provide the make up of all life. Genes come from our parents and are the cause and blueprint for every (mal)function within us. But when it comes to the function of emotions, reactions and even the rational thinking within people, how much of this influence is purely genetic? Can family shape us in anyway or is something else entirely responsible for us being different. Either way no one person is completely identical (twins included).

Sarnof Mednick from Denmark argues that a link exists between children and parents not only biologically but also criminally. The behaviour of adopted children was compared with their adoptive and biological parents and a much stronger biological relationship was found. Closing in on a more biological mechanism Mednick and his colleagues claim to have discovered a pattern of inherited autonomic nervous system (ANS) characteristics amongst known offenders. They say that criminal offenders tend to have an ANS that is less sensitive to environmental stimuli than non-offenders. People with such personalities are slower to respond to external signals and thus are greatly inhibited. In this state of mind, it would not be difficult to express antisocial behaviour.
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Considering these biological claims, it would seem that criminality originates and expresses itself in the genes. The personality of a person is decided genetically and these traits come from previous generations, i.e. from the same gene pool. However there is another claim with evidence that states criminality stems from and conveys itself through family life. This too is transmitted generation to generation, but the syndrome discussed is more one of a 'collection of anti-social dispositions and patterns of behaviour' than that found in the genes.

David Farrington, social-psychological researcher, argues that criminal offending stems from an ...

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